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effects of cooperative learning on academic performance and attitude towards citizenship education of nigeria certificate in education social studies students in nigeria

The study employed descriptive survey and quasi experimental design. The population of this study was all N.C.E II Social Studies students in North-western zone of Nigeria, which stood at six thousand and twelve (6012). Out of which a sample of 400 participants were selected through simple and stratified random sampling techniques. Continue Reading


assessment of the effects of cartoons on pupils’ performance in islamic studies in primary schools in niger state, nigeria

This research was carried out to assess the effects of cartoons on pupils‟ performance in Islamic Studies in Primary Schools in Niger State, Nigeria. Four research objectives were raised. They are: to examine the effect of cartoons on the performance of pupils, to identify the differences in pre-test and post-test on pupils‟ performance... Continue Reading


assessment of the effects of cartoons on pupils’ performance in islamic studies in primary schools in niger state, nigeria

This research was carried out to assess the effects of cartoons on pupils‟ performance in Islamic Studies in Primary Schools in Niger State, Nigeria. Four research objectives were raised. They are: to examine the effect of cartoons on the performance of pupils, to identify the differences in pre-test and post-test on pupils‟ performance... Continue Reading


assessment of application of conflict management techniques in secondary schools in kaduna state, nigeria

This research study assessed the Application of Conflict Management Techniques in Secondary Schools in Kaduna State. Six (6) objectives were raised to guide the study which include to assess the application of accommodation technique between teachers and students in Secondary Schools in Kaduna State and toexamine the application of competition tech... Continue Reading


the impact of girl-child education to community development

If you educate a female then you have successfully educated a community, goes the sayings: so female – child education has become a contemporary issue to community in the world because girls/women are usually discriminated against in all spheres of life including education. It is based on this, that this project examines the female – ... Continue Reading


assessment of principals’ supervisory practice on teachers’ role performance in junior secondary schools in kaduna state, nigeria

This study assessed the Principals‟ Supervisory Practice on Teachers‟ Role Performance in Junior Secondary Schools in Kaduna State. Six (6) objectives were raised to guide the study, which are to examine the impact of principals‟ classroom visitation on teachers‟ role performance in Junior Secondary Schools in Kaduna State; ... Continue Reading


assessment of the causes of deviation from islamic practices among the contemporary muslims of the north-west nigeria

This research entitled: ―Assessment of the causes of deviation from Islamic practices among the contemporary Muslims of the North-West Nigeria was motivated by the proliferation of uncompromising groups among Muslims, each with its peculiar forms of deviation. It is an attempt to assess the causes of deviation among Muslims in the North-West... Continue Reading


assessment of the implementation of adult education programme in benue state, nigeria

This study assessed the implementation of Adult Education programme in Benue state, Nigeria. Seven objectives guided the study, which are to; assess the extent to which adult education programme imparts literacy and numeracy skills to non-literate adults; examine the adequacy of the methods and techniques used by adult education facilitators for ef... Continue Reading


assessment of the implementation of universal basic education programme in junior secondary schools in yobe state, nigeria

The study was conducted using five objectives which were translated into research questions and hypotheses. Descriptive survey design was adopted with 5862 as population of the study, using the sample size of 365 based on the recommendation of sample size table prepared by Research Advisers (2006). The instrument used for data collection was questi... Continue Reading


effects of conceptual change instructional strategies on secondary school students’ misconceptions, performance and retention in genetics in kaduna, nigeria

The study examined the Effects of Conceptual Change Instructional Strategies on Secondary Students‟ Misconceptions, Performance and Retention in Genetics in Rigachukun Education Zone of Kaduna, Nigeria. Eight research questions and six null hypotheses tested at 0.05 level of significance guided the study. Quasi experimental research design wa... Continue Reading


effects of analytic and creative problem-solving on interest and performance in mathematics among senior secondary school students, sabon-gari kaduna state, nigeria.

The objectives of this study were therefore, to determine the differences between Analytic and Creative Problem Solving on performance of Students in Mathematics, and to determine the effects of academic performance of students taught mathematics, using Analytic Problem-Solving and those taught with lecture method, the study also set out to investi... Continue Reading


knowledge, attitude and practice of environmental sanitation among households in bauchi state, nigeria

To achieve this purpose, an ex-post-facto research design was used. A total number of 810 households from three (3) senatorial zones of Bauchi State were selected out of the projected population of 1,113,240 households in the state through multi-stage sampling technique consisting of simple random sampling; stratified sampling; proportionate sampl... Continue Reading


assessment of knowledge and practice of cholera prevention strategies among junior secondary school students in katsina state, nigeria

The respondents used for the purpose of data collection were four hundred (400) sampled from a population of 271,690 junior secondary school students inKatsina State Nigeria. The respondents were drawn through multistage sampling technique, which consisted of stratified, simple random sampling andproportionate sampling techniques. A close ended que... Continue Reading


analysis of classroom psycho-social factors as a predictor to academic performance in upper basic science, funtua zone, katsina, nigeria

The study population comprised of all co-educational Junior secondary II Basic Science students for 2017/2018 session in Funtua education zone with a total of 5044 students. A total of three hundred (300) of Junior secondary two (JSS 2) basic Science students took part in the study. The research instruments used for data collection were, Basic Scie... Continue Reading


assessment of discipline techniques in the management of public secondary schools in jigawa state, nigeria

This research undertook an assessment of discipline techniques in the management of public secondary schools in Jigawa State, Nigeria, five objectives were formulated among which are: determine the maintenance of examination ethics in public secondary schools in Jigawa State; assess the maintenance of punctuality in public secondary schools in Jiga... Continue Reading


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