The study investigated the ?Impact of 5E Teaching Cycle on Attitude, Retention and Performance in Genetics among Pre-NCE Biology Students with Varied Abilities, North-West Zone, Nigeria?. The population was 2,231 pre-NCE Biology students made up of 1,168 males and 1,063 females. Simple random sampling technique by balloting method was used to selec... Continue Reading
The study investigated the impact assessment of MDGs teacher training workshops for English Language teachers in Bauchi State. The essence is to identify the various ways the MDGs workshops have impacted on the teaching of English Language by teachers. Based on this objective, five research questions and four hypotheses were raised for the study. T... Continue Reading
This research was carried out to examine the Adoption of Open Access in Ahmadu Bello University Zaria. Among the objectives were: to identify the level of familiarity of Open Access Initiative among lecturers in Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria; to know how frequent lecturers in Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria deposit their research works in any Insti... Continue Reading
The study examined the evaluation of the management of secondary schools in southern Kaduna senatorial zone, Nigeria. Descriptive survey research design was used for the study. The population sample was three hundred and eighty six (386) that is 5 Ministry of Education Officials, 60 principals from sixty secondary schools, 203 teachers and 118 Pare... Continue Reading
This study focused on Evaluation of the Implementation of Admission Policies in Colleges of Education in Nigeria. The study sought to find out the level of implementation of JAMB cut-off mark requirement in students’ admission, examine the level of implementation of quota system of the admission policy, determine the level of implementation of JA... Continue Reading
The study evaluated Staff Development Programmes of Primary Schools in Zaria Metropolis, Kaduna State, Nigeria. The study has six objectives set to; examine conferences organized for teachers in Primary Schools in Zaria metropolis, determine workshops organized for teachers, examine orientation organized for teachers, examine symposium organized fo... Continue Reading
This study is titled‘Effect of Two-Dimensional Media and Conventional Methods of Teaching on Students’ Performance in Agricultural Science in Secondary Schools in Zaria’. The study aimed at finding out if two-dimensional media when utilized in teaching will improve students’ academic performance. Related literatures were reviewed based on t... Continue Reading
This study examined effect of Demonstration Technique on Remedial reading of JSS students with a view to determining whether demonstration technique can impact positively on the reading performance of remedial readers. The population of this study consists of all the 512 JSS one students at the two selected Junior Secondary Schools in Katsina State... Continue Reading
This study examined the effects of bottom-up and top-down reading strategies on the students’ reading comprehension achievement of some JSS II students in Zaria Inspectorate Zone, in Kaduna State. The purpose was to determine the reading comprehension strategies (bottom-up or top-down) that has more effect on students’ reading performance and t... Continue Reading
This study investigated the effect of study skills training on poor study habits among senior secondary school students in Faggge local government Area of Kano State, Nigeria.Five research questions and five null hypotheses were formulated. The quasi experimental, pre-test, post-test control design guided the study. The population of the study comp... Continue Reading
This study set to evaluates” An appraisal of students opinion on the impact of social studies on cultural preservation in Kogi state Nigeria”. The respondents for the study are upper basic 7-9 students of the Local Government Areas. The population of the study was Four Thousand, Five Hundred and Eighty two (4582). ANOVA and t-test instruments w... Continue Reading
This study investigated the Effect of Inquiry Method on Academic Performance of Junior Secondary Schools Students In I.R.S in Katsina State, Nigeria. The specific objectives of the study were: to determine the effect of inquiry method on academic performance of students taught I.R.S in JSS in Katsina state, ascertain the academic performance of mal... Continue Reading
This study investigated the effect of cognitive restructuring on Delinquent Behaviour among adolescents in Borstal training Institute, Barnawa, Kaduna State, Nigeria. The study employed a quasi experimental, non-equivalent control group, pre-test-post-test design. The population of the study was 364 inmates out of which 40 inmates were purposively ... Continue Reading
This study focused on students? academic self-concept, attitudes and compliance on academic performance of senior secondary school students in Gombe state. The objectives of this study is to determine the relationship between academic self-concept and academic performance of the students, to determine the relationship between attitudes towards acad... Continue Reading
The study examined the influence of age, sex, school location and motivation for occupational preference among senior secondary school students in AkwaIbom state. The sample for the study consisted of 369 drawn from fourteen (14) senior secondary schools (7 schools were located in the Urban Area, while another 7 in the rural area). The sampled size... Continue Reading