The major objective of the study was to assess teacher perception of the implementation of agricultural science curriculum in senior secondary schools in Niger State. Four specific objectives were stated which included to; determine the influence of teachers‘ qualification/competencies, ascertain the influence of adequacy of infrastructure/instru... Continue Reading
This study investigated the Impact of 5Es Learning Cycle Model on Questioning Style Performance and Academic Performance among Senior Secondary School II Chemistry students. A Quasi-experimental pretest and posttest research design was used for the study which featured two groups (Experimental and Control group). The experimental group was exposed ... Continue Reading
This study was carried out to determine the “effects of Simulation game on Attitude and Performance in Biology among Secondary School Students, Zaria, Kaduna State Nigeria. The target population was all SS1 Biology students in Zaria Educational zone. Two Schools were sampledusing the stratified random sampling techniques. Intact Classes were used... Continue Reading
This study investigated the impact of video advance organizer on NCE students? interest, performance and retention on geomorphological concepts in Yobe State, Nigeria. The study was set up to achieve four objectives among are; to investigate the effect of video advance organizer on students? interest in learning Geomorphology concepts before and af... Continue Reading
This study investigated “Information Access, Generation and Utilization by Poultry Farmers in Zaria Environs Kaduna State Nigeria. It was conducted in order to investigate what provision or lack of provision of information generation, access and utilization by poultry farmers can do to the socio economic of poultry farmers. The objectives of the ... Continue Reading
The study was conducted to access the acceptability of modified Fulani hand woven fabric dress style to contemporary dress designed among female students in tertiary institution in Kano State. Three specific objectives were formulated among which was to modify the Fulani hand woven dress style to contemporary use by female students in tertiary inst... Continue Reading
This study was aimed at examining the Parents?, Teachers? and students? perception of drug abuse and its influence on academic performance among adolescents in Secondary Schools in Niger state, Nigeria. Four research questions guided the study and four corresponding null hypotheses were tested at 0.05 level of confidence. The study sample included ... Continue Reading
This study investigated the Pedagogical Approaches to Teaching and Learning Entrepreneurship Education in Library and Information Science Schools in the Universities in North-West States of Nigeria. The study adopted a survey research design and questionnaire was used as instrument for data collection. The population of the study was made up of the... Continue Reading
This study employed correlational design to examine the Relationship of academic self-efficacy, learning strategies and academic achievement among secondary school students in Zaria, Kaduna state, Nigeria. Towardsattaining this major goal, four specific objectives which were translated to research questions and hypotheses were raised and data were ... Continue Reading
This study investigated the relationship among social, emotional adjustment and academic achievement of undergraduate students of Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria, Kaduna State Nigeria. The study adopted a correlational survey research design. The target population of the study were six thousand, six hundred and thirty five (6, 635) male and female u... Continue Reading
The research title "A Comparative Study of the Instructional Methods of islamic Education from the prophetic period to the Khulafa'u Rashidun and that of Contemporary Nigeria (1950 to Date)is an inquiry to find out how Islamic Education was developed and methods of instruction during the time of the Prophet (SAW), the time of Khulafau Rashidun (Rig... Continue Reading
The study investigated the relationship between parenting practices and attachment styles of pupils in early childhood education in Kaduna metropolis, Nigeria. The study had nine objectives; nine hypotheses were formulated and tested. The population for the study was 451 early childhood education pupils out of which 83 pupils were studied; 39 males... Continue Reading
This research work sought to analyse the Hadith Reports of SAHIH BUKHARI and MUDAWWANAH of IMAM MALIK on SALAT. Salat constitutes one of the important pillars of Islam, apart from shahadataini iff (faith), both Imams Bukhari and Malik have devoted a chapter each in their works of Hadith and Fiqh (jurisprudence). Imam al-Bukhari who is a great Muhad... Continue Reading
This study objective was to investigate the “Relationship between use of Educative Play Materials and cognitive Development of Nursery School Children in Niger State”. Four specific objectives with four research questions were stated and three null hypotheses were raised. Among the objectives were to identify different types of Educative play m... Continue Reading
This thesis is a critical edition; translation and commentary of Shaykh Uthman b. fodio"s work Irshad al Ummah ila Taysir al Milluh. The author offered an exhaustive discussion on the L-ase of Islam in three issues, which are: practical worship. Juristic verdict and judicial ruling. The author criticized Taqlid. which is strict adherence and partis... Continue Reading