This study investigated the ?Effects of Practice-Based Inquiry Cycle on the Performance of Colleges of Education (Technical) and Polytechnics Students in Building Technology in Nigeria” Specifically the study; determined the effect of PBI Cycle on the general performance of Building Technology Students; ascertained the effect of PBI Cycle on Perf... Continue Reading
The study investigated the effects of project and discussion methods on students‘ performance in Economics in senior secondary schools in Ekiti State, Nigeria. Five objectives were formulated for the study among which are to: ascertain the effect of project and conventional method on the performance of economics students in senior secondary schoo... Continue Reading
In WebQuest online learning Strategies, students are given the opportunity to search using the selected websites. Teacher usually plays a role of facilitator and allows the students to decide the pace of learning by giving them chance to exhibit their talents unlike in traditional online learning where students are free to search for information us... Continue Reading
The study is on Evaluation of the Management of Adult Education Programme in Niger State, Nigeria from 2010 �“ 2015. The study was carried out with five research objectives among which are to: determine the opinions of Ministry of Education Officials, head teachers and teachers on the enrolment and retention of learners in adult education programm... Continue Reading
The study was on the evaluation of the provision and management of facilities in secondary schools in Zaria Education Zone, Kaduna State, Nigeria. To achieve the main objectives, four specific objectives were stated which are to: ascertain the provision and management of teaching facilities in Secondary Schools in Zaria Education Zone, Kaduna State... Continue Reading
This study examined the influence of employment on the wives role performance among Federal Civil Servants in Zaria metropolis. Five research objectives were postulated and five null research hypotheses in line with research questions were posed and tested. A sample of 377 couples from 7 Federal Government Establishments drawn from a population of ... Continue Reading
This study investigated the impact of Laboratory and problem-solving strategies on attitude,retention and academic performance in biology among varied ability secondary school students in Zaria, Kaduna State Nigeria. All the senior secondary II students of the schools in Zaria Educational Zone under study with total number of one thousand six hundr... Continue Reading
This study examined impact of principals? leadership styles on teaching and learning in secondary schools in Ilorin metropolis, Kwara State. Six objectives were formulated for the purpose of this study to determine the impact of principal?s situational leadership style on teaching and learning in secondary schools in Ilorin Metroplis, Kwara State, ... Continue Reading
The study examined the Impact of Information and Communication Technology on the Management of Tertiary Academic Institutions in Kaduna State, Nigeria. The study was set to examine the impact of Information and Communication Technology on record keeping, communication, monitoring and evaluation, staff development, maintenance of discipline, decisio... Continue Reading
achievement of cybercafé operators in Kano Metropolis, Nigeria. It had five objectives, five research questions and five null hypotheses. The research design adopted for the study was descriptive survey design. The population of the study was 520 out of which a sample of 226 was drawn using purposive sampling technique. In gathering data for the s... Continue Reading
This study examined the influence of Internet-Addiction on Academic Procrastination among Students of Ahmadu Bello University Zaria, Kaduna-State Nigeria. The study stated three objectives, three research questions and three hypotheses. Research design used for the conduct of the study was the Expost Facto design. The population for the study was 3... Continue Reading
This study is on “Influence of Supervision on Provision and Management of Resources in Secondary Schools in Kano Metropolis, Kano State, Nigeria.” The study was specifically set out to find out how Human, Financial, Material, Time and Curriculum Contents were provided and managed in Secondary Schools in Kano Metropolis, Kano State. The research... Continue Reading
This study was conducted on influence of socio-economic characteristics of parents on secondary school students? academic performance in business studies in Kaduna State.Three specific objectives, three research questions were stated to guide the study and three hypotheses were formulated and tested at 0.05 level of significance.Descriptive survey ... Continue Reading
This study assessed knowledge and prevention of the risk of contraceptives use among women in Kwara State, Nigeria. A proportional sampling procedure was used for the selection of 378 respondents between the ages 20 �“ 44 in the selected local government areas in Kwara State. Questionnaire was used to collect data for this study. The demographic v... Continue Reading
The study investigated the perceived causes and effects of divorce among the married and divorced couples in Gaya local government area of Kano state. The objective of the study was to determine the religious, social, economic and political causes and effects of divorce in the study area. The study used survey design and a sample of three hundred a... Continue Reading