This study was conducted to assess the various strategies applied by special libraries in Plateau State in increasing their collections through acquisition. Some known strategies for application in acquisition in special libraries include purchase, donation, endowments, bequests, resource sharing, exchange, and consortium. Mixed research method was... Continue Reading
This study assessed knowledge, attitude, practice and availability of safety measures towards prevention of Healthcare-Associated Infections (HAIs) among primary healthcare workers in North-central zone Nigeria. HAIs are acquired unknowingly by healthcare workers during treatment of patients in healthcare facilities. These infections can be Hepatit... Continue Reading
This study was on assessment of interactive whiteboard availability and utilization among lecturers in Federal Colleges of Education in Northeast, Nigeria. Four specific objectives were to find out: the extent of availability of interactive whiteboard, perceived usefulness of lecturers towards utilization of interactive whiteboard, lecturers’ lev... Continue Reading
The research was carried out to assess the availability, and utilization of electronic media resources in teaching and learning of English language in senior secondary schools in Kaduna State, Nigeria. The study was carried out with four objectives among which are to: examine the availability of electronic media resources used in teaching English l... Continue Reading
This research work was carried out to assess the impact of resist techniques of fabric decoration on students‘ interest in clothing and textiles in Borno State, Nigeria. The study had four specific objectives, four research questions and four null hypotheses which were formulated and tested at 0.05 level of significance. The research design adopt... Continue Reading
This study assessed the implementation of Nigeria Certificate in Education Hausa language curriculum in northwest geopolitical zone of Nigeria, to determine: the extent of content coverage of NCE Hausa language curriculum, determine the methods utilized by the Hausa language lecturers in the implementation of NCE Hausa language curriculum; determin... Continue Reading
This study investigated the impact entrepreneurial skills acquisition on Home Economics students’ performance in junior secondary schools in Kaduna State, Nigeria. The study set out to: find out the impact of entrepreneurial skills acquisition on the performance of home economics students in junior secondary schools in Kaduna state; ascertain the... Continue Reading
The study assessed the relationship between social media utilization and academic achievement of undergraduate students in northwestern Nigeria. The study had nine specific objectives, nine research questions, and five null hypotheses which were formulated and tested at 0.05 level of significance. A correlation type of descriptive research design w... Continue Reading
The use of computer and its accessories in our daily activities, in spite of its usefulness have caused a lot of hazards to humans and the environment. Green computing aimed at reducing energy consumption and carbon emission, prevent wastage, cut cost and protect the environment. This study investigates educational technology stakeholders‘ awaren... Continue Reading
The study investigated the academic performance of agricultural education NCE II students in theory and practical courses in Federal College of Education, Zaria using 78 students NCE II during 2015/2016 academic session. The class comprised of 50 male and 28 female students. The study had 4 specific objectives, 4 research questions and 4 null hypot... Continue Reading
The study entitled the Evaluation of Prevailing Leadership Styles in Zonkwa Education Zone Secondary Schools, Kaduna State has six objectives some of which are the assessment of the autocratic, transformational and situational leadership styles. Six research questions were asked in line with the objectives. Six null hypotheses were postulated some ... Continue Reading
This study, “Evaluation of Management Practices of Colleges of Education in North Central Geo-Political Zone, Nigeria” was carried out with a view to providing the information on how Colleges of Education were managed in the area of study. The objectives of the study were to identify how planning strategies, staff development, decision making, ... Continue Reading
The study was carried out to determine the effects of computer utilization on instructional delivery of animal husbandry in secondary schools in Katsina State, Nigeria. The specific objectives of the study were to assess the available learner �“to �“ computer ratio, teachers and students’ skills to use computers, level at which computers are us... Continue Reading
This study investigated the effect of conflict resolution skills training on interpersonal conflict among secondary school students in Bauchi metropolis, Nigeria. A quasi experimental design involving pre-test, post-test control group was adopted for the study. Purposive sampling technique was used in selecting thirty (30) samples to serve as the t... Continue Reading
This study assessed the Impact of Resource Allocation on Leadership Performance of principals in Secondary Schools in Kano State, Nigeria. Five research objectives were raised for the study among which are to: ascertain the impact of qualified personnel allocation on leadership performance of principals in secondary schools in Kano State; determine... Continue Reading