To achieve this purpose, ex-post facto research design was used. A total sample of 768 mothers of under-five children in North-central zone, Nigeria from a population of 3,641,445 were selected through multi-stage sampling procedures of simple random sampling and proportionate sampling. The instrument used for the study was researcher‟s stru... Continue Reading
The study assessed the effects of interactive techniques on the performance of students in English language in senior secondary schools in Bauchi State, Nigeria. Continue Reading
The Design of the study was Quasi-Experimental design. The population comprised all the 18,508JSS2 Basic Science Students from 37 public secondary schools in Zaria Education Zone. Sample of 297 students from four randomly selected coeducational schools were used for the study. The Experimental Group was taught the concept of Environmental Hazard u... Continue Reading
The objective of the study was to determine the effect of social skills training and values clarification counselling techniques on aggressive behaviours (hostile, emotional, instrumental & relational) of senior secondary school students in Kontagora, Niger State, Nigeria. Pretest posttest quasi experimental design was adopted. Behaviour Rating Sca... Continue Reading
The study evaluated the implementations of Special Education Curriculum (Programme) in Special Junior Secondary Schools in Plateau State, Nigeria. To study the level of special education curriculum implementation, five research objectives were raised which were to evaluate, whether there are adequate provision of instructional materials, the teachi... Continue Reading
Performance and Retention in Algebra among Junior Secondary School Students in Kogi State, Nigeria. The study employed Quasi – experimental and control pre-test and post-test group design. The population comprised all the Junior Secondary School students in Kogi State during 2017/2018 academic session and was 29,433 (14,973 male and 14,460 f... Continue Reading
Nine objectives of the study were set to examine Stakeholders’ Perceptions on Principals’ Democratic leadership Style Practices in Secondary Schools, assesStakeholders’ Perceptions on Principals’ Autocratic Leadership Style Practices in Secondary Schools, examine Stakeholders’ Perceptions on Principals’ Tra... Continue Reading
The research investigated the effects of scaffolding and scenario based teaching methods on the performance of NCEI students in financial accounting in Federal College of Education, Kontagora, Niger State. Four research questions were answered and four hypotheses were tested at 0.05 level of significance. Continue Reading
To achieve this, ten (10) objectives were set to; evaluate the influence of School-Based Management Committees on decision making process, ascertain the influence of School-Based Management Committees on school-community relationship, evaluate the influence of School-Based Management Committees on students‘ enrolment and retention in seconda... Continue Reading
The study was carried out to determine the â€�“Effects of Demonstration and Discussion Methods on Senior Secondary School Students Academic Performance in Agricultural science in Kaduna Stateâ€Â�. Five objectives, five research questions and five null hypotheses were raised to guide the study. Relevant literatures were reviewed on the key var... Continue Reading
The process of information management has become very challenging and complex. Libraries as centres for learning, teaching and research can no longer cope with information management through the use of traditional methods. To this end, the study was aimed at examining the application of ICTs to management of library information resources in select... Continue Reading
The design of the study is descriptive survey design.The study‟s population consisted of principals, teachers and supervisors numbering 10,931 comprising of 541 principals, 10,294 teachers and 96 supervisors from twelve (12) educational zone in Kaduna State.Purposive sampling technique was used.The sample size used in the study was 378 which ... Continue Reading
The design of the study is descriptive survey design.The study‟s population consisted of principals, teachers and supervisors numbering 10,931 comprising of 541 principals, 10,294 teachers and 96 supervisors from twelve (12) educational zone in Kaduna State.Purposive sampling technique was used.The sample size used in the study was 378 which ... Continue Reading
This study on the Assessment of the Contributions of Non-Governmental Organisations to the Development of Secondary Education in North-Central Geographical Zone, Nigeria was aimed at gathering information on the opinions of principals, teachers, Ministry of Education officials and Non-Governmental Organizations officials on the contributions of Non... Continue Reading