The study investigated the impact of cooperative learning enriched with analogy on retention and performance among secondary schools ecology slow learners in Dawakin Kudu Education Zone, Kano State Nigeria. The study adopted a pretest, posttest quasi experimental control group design. The population consisted of 5145 SS2 biology students made up of... Continue Reading
This study investigated the impact of collateral and analogy teaching strategies on preconceptions and performance in evolution concepts among Nigeria Certificate in Education Students North Central Zone, Nigeria. The study adopted the pretest, posttest quasi-experimental control group design. Three groups were involved, the experimental group E1, ... Continue Reading
This study investigated evaluation of social studies curriculum implementation for the attainment of citizenship education among junior secondary school students of Kaduna State, Nigeria. It was conducted with the objectives to; determine the extent to which social studies curriculum contents has helped in the attainment of citizenship education in... Continue Reading
This study investigated the Effects of Visual Instructional Resources on Academic Performance of Junior Secondary School Students in Social Studies, in Yobe State, Nigeria. The study was conducted using four objectives which were translated into research questions and hypotheses. Quasi experimental design involving experimental/control group was us... Continue Reading
The study examined the analysis of students’ performance in English language, Mathematics, Sciences, Arts and Commercial Subjects in West African Examination Council in Selected Public and Private Secondary Schools in Zaria Metropolis from 2009 �“ 2013. Some of the objectives of the study were to identify students performance in English language... Continue Reading
This study is aimed at to examines the respondence opinion on the application of Henri Fayol’s principle of discipline to the administration of Secondary Schools in Niger State, Nigeria. The study consist of five research objectives, research questions and hypotheses respectively. The study also specifically concentrate on the aspect of disciplin... Continue Reading
The study assessed practice of delegation of duties by principals of secondary schools in Funtua, Katsina State, Nigeria. The study aimed at finding out among other factors if delegation of duties would relate to better performance of secondary school teachers. Five objectives were formulated for this study some of which examine the delegation of s... Continue Reading
This study is an assessment of the pronunciation problems of English sounds faced by students of junior secondary schools (JSS) in Bauchi State. In a bid to do that, a survey research was conducted in two educational zones of Bauchi State comprising five schools: four for each zone with a total number of (255)students’. Students’ production of ... Continue Reading
The study assessed the Role Performance of District Supervisors in the Management of Primary Schools in Katsina State, Nigeria. The study developed five objectives, which are set to examine the roles performance of District Supervisors on staff development, assess the roles performance of District supervisors on the provision of school instructiona... Continue Reading
This study assessed the role performances of principals in the provision and maintenance of facilities in secondary schools in Zaria educational zone, Kaduna State, Nigeria. The study was carried out with five research objectives among which are; to determine the role performances of principals in the provision and maintenance of teaching facilitie... Continue Reading
This study is an assessment of teachers and students opinion on the impact of social studies in curbing juvenile delinquency among junior secondary schools in Kaduna State, Nigeria. The study had three research questions and three null hypotheses. The survey researchdesign was utilized. The research instrument used was the Social Studies Juvenile D... Continue Reading
This study assessed the implementation of Islamic Studies curriculum in senior secondary schools in Jigawa state. The focus of this study are to assess the availability of qualified Islamic Studies teachers for a successful implementation of Islamic studies curriculum in senior secondary schools in Jigawa state, assess the use of instructional mate... Continue Reading
The study is a contrastive analysis of literary styles of English and Igbo writers in English: implications for teaching writing to Igbo learners of English. The objectives of the study were to carry out a contrastive analysis of literary styles of English and Igbo writers in English. Discover the literary styles of English and Igbo writers in Engl... Continue Reading
This study investigated the Effect of Concrete Manipulative Approach on Attitude, Retention and Performance in Geometry among Junior Secondary School Students in Benue State, Nigeria. Quasi-experimental research design was used for the study. The total population of the study consisted of 6230 Junior Secondary School Two Students in Benue State, Ni... Continue Reading
The study assessed the implementation of computer science education in colleges of education in Kano and Jigawa States, Nigeria. The research problem of this study was as a result of student’s poor performance in computer education. Four objectives were formulated which are: to examine the extent to which laboratory facilities and equipment are a... Continue Reading