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effects of concept- mapping strategy on reflective thinking and academic performance in mole concept among secondary school chemistry students


The study investigated the effects of concept -mapping strategy on reflective thinking and academic performance in mole concept among secondary school students in Kaduna state, Nigeria. A total of seventy six (76) SS2 students from two public schools in Giwa education zone were randomly selected from a population of six hundred and forty three (643... Continue Reading


effects of media reportage of ethno religious conflicts on christians and muslims


Peaceful coexistence between Christians and Muslims in Kaduna state is needed for unity and development. The conflict that have occurred in the state in the past years have caused lost of lives, damages to properties and mutual suspicion between the people within the state. Unfortunately, the media reportage of some of these conflict left much to b... Continue Reading


effects of neuromuscular stimulation and cycle ergometry on functional abilities of stroke survivors


This study investigated effects of neuromuscular (NMS) and cycle ergometry (CE) on functional abilities of stroke survivors in Kano State, Nigeria which lasted for 12 weeks. Among the parameters assessed were strength (grip and pinch strength), joints flexibility (range of motion: ROM); that include shoulder, elbow and wrist joints extension while ... Continue Reading


effects of schema theory on junior secondary school english learners performance in reading comprehension


It is an undisputed fact that reading remains one of the most central skills in the success of any educational pursuit. This study titled “Effects of Schema Theory on Junior Secondary School English Learners? Performance in Reading Comprehension in Zaria Educational Zone” was conducted to find out the effects of schema theory on the reading com... Continue Reading


evaluation of the acceptability of social studies as a tool for citizenship development among social studies students in nigeria

The research “evaluation of the acceptability of social studies as a tool for citizenship development among social studies students in Nigeria” was conducted using descriptive survey that covered all the Colleges of Education in the seven (7) states of North-West Zone of Nigeria offering Social Studies Education. The population study was 10,610... Continue Reading


influence of home video watching on the social behaviour of junior secondary school students


This study was on the influence of home video watching on the social behaviour of junior Secondary school students in Adamawa state, Nigeria. The study had five objectives, five research questions and five null hypotheses. Descriptive survey design was adopted for the study. The population was thirty five thousand, eight hundred and seven (35,807) ... Continue Reading


health care seeking behaviour among the aged in niger state, nigeria

The purpose of this study was to find out the health care seeking behaviour among the aged in Niger State. To achieve this purpose the ex- post facto research design was used to assess 399 respondents drawn from three senatorial zone of Niger State through stratified sampling technique. A closed ended questionnaire was used to obtain responses from... Continue Reading


impact of field -trip on motivation, retention and performance in plant adaptation among secondary school students


This study was carried out to investigate the impact of Field-trip on motivation, retention and performance on plant adaptation among secondary school students in Gumel, Jigawa State, Nigeria. Quasi-experimental research design, which utilized pretest, posttest and postpost test, was adopted. The population of the study consisted of 3449 SSII stude... Continue Reading


impact of polygamy on maguzawa christians in kaduna state, nigeria

The study investigates the “Impact of Polygamy on Maguzawa Christians in Kaduna State, Nigeria” The study has four objectives, same with research questions and hypotheses are stated to examine the psychological, social, economic, and moral impact of polygamy on Maguzawa Christians in Kaduna State. The research population used for the study was ... Continue Reading


impact of staff development programmes on the instructional task performance of secondary school teachers


This study is aimed at investigating the impact of staff development programmes on the instructional task performance of secondary school teachers in Kaduna metropolis. Five objectives were generated alongside with five research questions. The study was limited to principals and teachers in private and public secondary schools in Kaduna metropolis.... Continue Reading


impacts of jigsaw ii co-operative learning strategy on academic performance and retention in mensuration among senior secondary school students


This study investigated the impacts of Jigsaw II cooperative learning strategy on students? academic performance and retention in mensuration concepts among senior secondary school students in Kano state, Nigeria. In this study, four (4) research questions were raised and answered. Also, four (4) hypotheses were formulated and tested at 0.05 level ... Continue Reading


impacts of scaffolding- enriched collaborative strategy on test anxiety, performance and retention in geometry among secondary school students in niger state

This study was designed to investigate the Impacts of Scaffolding- enriched Collaborative Strategies on Test- anxiety, Performance and Retention in Geometry among Senior Secondary Schools in Niger State. The study was borne out of the poor performance of students in Geometry area of mathematics in both internal and external examination as reported ... Continue Reading


influence of availability of instructional facilities and teachers instructional methods on students academic performance in shorthand in colleges of education

This study investigated the influence of availability and use of instructional facilities and teacher?s instructional methods on students? academic performance in shorthand in Colleges of Education Akwanga and Pankshin. Two sets of questionnaire were raised to guide the study, while two hypotheses were formulated and tested at 0.05 level of signifi... Continue Reading


influence of entrepreneurship education component of nigerian certificate in education home economics programme on graduates in north-east geo-political zone

This study assessed The Influence of Entrepreneurship Education Component of Nigerian Certificate in Education (NCE) Home Economics Programme on Graduates in North East Nigeria. The study was necessitated by the prevailing unemployment situation and increase in crime and its social vices among Colleges of Education NCE graduates in North East geo-p... Continue Reading


influence of entrepreneurship education, technology and globalisation on performance of small and medium enterprises


Nigeria is faced with the challenges of dwindling oil revenue, high youth unemployment rate and very high foreign exchange rates. There is therefore the urgent need for diversification of the economy. Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) are thus an important tool for rapid diversification of the economy and economic recovery of Nigeria. How therefo... Continue Reading


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