ABSTRACTNigeria is faced with the challenges of dwindling oil revenue, high youth unemployment rate and very high foreign exchange rates. There is therefore the urgent need for diversification of the economy. Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) are thus an important tool for rapid diversification of the economy and economic recovery of Nigeria. How therefore can acquisition of entrepreneurship education skills; adoption and use of technology; and globalisation through improved cross-border transactions enhance the performance of SMEs, bring about economic recovery and thus help to ameliorate the economic challenges of Nigeria. The major objective of this study was to ascertain the influence of entrepreneurship education, technology and globalisation on the overall performance of Small and Medium Enterprises in Nigeria. Five research questions were raised for the study, while five null hypotheses were formulated and tested at 0.05 level of significance. Fourteen empirical studies were reviewed. The identified research gaps from the studies and other related literature reviewed, formed the nucleus of this study. Cross-sectional survey research design was adopted for the study. The population was 6,010 SMEs. The sample size was 380 owners/managers of manufacturing SMEs, selected using cluster, proportionate and random sampling procedures. One state was randomly selected from each of the six Geo-political Zones of Nigeria. The instrument used for data collection was Entrepreneurship Education, Technology and Globalisation Adoption Survey (EETGAS), designed by the researcher. The instrument consisted of 40 items, with a five-point Likert rating scale. The researcher, with the help of one research assistant in each state, administered the instrument in Anambra, Bauchi, Edo, Kano, Lagos and Niger states over a period of six weeks. Percentage was used to discuss the distribution of respondents by Geo-political xiv Zone. Mean and standard deviation were used to answer the research questions. Linear regression was used to test null hypotheses one, two, three and four; while standard multiple regression was used to test null hypothesis five. The findings showed among others, that self-reliant competencies, financial literacy competencies and innovative skills were the components of entrepreneurship education that most influenced the performance of SMEs in Nigeria. Also e-payments, modern communication technology and modern distribution channels were the components of technology that most influenced the performance of SMEs in Nigeria. Furthermore, purchase of equipment and, in some cases, raw materials from outside the country were the components of globalisation that most influenced the performance of SMEs in Nigeria. Based on the findings of the study, it was concluded among others, that there was significant positive influence of entrepreneurship education, technology and globalisation on the overall performance of Small and Medium Enterprises in Nigeria. Five recommendations were made, among which was that small and medium entrepreneurs should acquire entrepreneurship education skills, in order to enhance their product quality and efficiency of operation which boosts sales turnover and profit margin