Search result(s): 1096 - 1110 of 1158 » Department » Education

knowledge and attitude of secondary school students towards sexually transmitted diseases

The study was guided by five research questions. The population consisted of 2931 students, which were made up of all the students in the day schools from twenty three secondary schools in Nsukka Education Zone. The sample was 220, Ten senior secondary schools were randomly selected from twenty three senior secondary school in Nsukka Education zone... Continue Reading


influence of social media on academic performance of secondary school students

There is no doubt about the fact that the world is completely in a global village as postulated by Professor Marshall McLuhan, according to him the world is now compressed into a single electronic room where information from far and near can be exchanged with a click of a mouse. The research is anchored on technological determinism theory and diff... Continue Reading


the effects of projector mediated and demonstration methods on students’ academic performance in basic electronics in technical colleges

In the twentieth century Nigeria with her abundant human and Natural resources has not been able to achieve much technologically. Aina (2004) opined that the inability to achieve much at this period is not unconnected with history since we attained independence; policies and strategies of the various levels of government have not been far reaching ... Continue Reading


effect of animation instructional strategy on students’ achievement, interest and retention in chemical bonding

The development of a nation depends largely on the level of scientific and technological advancement of that nation. Asiyai(2005) found that chemistry has helped in the development of modern technology through the application of its principles to modern inventions.The study of chemistry has been and will remain of tremendous importance to mankind b... Continue Reading


environmental variables and student's academic performance in english language in public secondary schools

We are deeply concerned about our environment especially when our performances in all ramifications of life is related to our environmental conditions. The problem here is purely narrowed down by the influence of environmental variables on students academic performance in English language in public secondary schools in Uyo Education zone. Continue Reading


secondary schools students’ socio-economic background and academic achievement in business studies in zaria and giwa education zones, kaduna state

This study investigated the ―Secondary Schools Students‘ Socio-economic Background and Academic Achievement in Business Studies in Zaria and Giwa Education Zones, Kaduna Stateâ€�“. To achieve the aim of this research, four objectives were formulated in line with research questions and hypotheses such as to; determine the seco... Continue Reading


effects of instructional materials on performance of social studies students in junior secondary schools in kaduna north and south lga of kaduna state

This study is entitled: Effects of Instructional Materials on Performance of Social Studies Students in Junior Secondary Schools in Kaduna North and South L.G.A of Kaduna State The study was guided two research questions and two hypotheses were formulated and tested at 0.05 significance level. Quasi-experimental research design was adopted in ... Continue Reading


short messaging services (sms) and english language usage in selected secondary schools

The advent of the technology called Global System of Mobile Communication (GSM) has brought in a paradigm shift from the conventional English Language Writing, to what researchers now call SMS system of communication. This has been observed in many places as well as Nigeria. English language being an official language in Nigeria and fast becoming a... Continue Reading


software development for post primary educational database

This work recommends possible ways of implementation, highlighting changeover technique use. A program was designed to show the possibility of incorporating database in secondary school system. Continue Reading


analysis of gender enrollment pattern into secretarial studies programmes in tertiary institutions

This is a study of the enrollment pattern into secretarial studies programmes in tertiary institutions in Edo State of Nigeria. This is against the backdrop that secretarial studies is seen by most people as a gender bias. Continue Reading


the educational and development and marketing of service products in the educational sector

In trying to make this study a success, the researcher used Imo State University as a case study to validate the findings of this study. The researcher chose this institution because it represents the service industries in Nigeria. The researcher used oral interviews and questionnaires to collect information relative to this study. Continue Reading


effect of phonics reading strategy on pupils’ achievement in word recognition

This study sought to investigate the Effect of Phonics on pupils’ achievement in word recognition in Oshimli South Local Government Area. Three research questions and three hypotheses guided the study. A non equivalent control group quasi-experimental design was used. Continue Reading


effect of phonics reading strategy on pupils’ achievement in word recognition

This study sought to investigate the Effect of Phonics on pupils’ achievement in word recognition in Oshimli South Local Government Area. Three research questions and three hypotheses guided the study. A non equivalent control group quasi-experimental design was used. Continue Reading


strategies for effective implementation of the senior basic education

The study investigated the Strategies for Effective Implementation of Senior Basic Education (UBE) in Nsukka Education zone of Enugu state, Nigeria. The main purpose of the study was to investigate the strategies for effective implementation of the Basic Education (UBE) in Nsukka Education zone of Enugu state. Four research questions and two null h... Continue Reading


identification of difficult teaching topics in integrated science and computer science of junior secondary school curriculum

The purpose of the study was to identify the difficult teaching topics in integrated and computer science. The design was a simply survey design while the instrument was purely on the questionnaire which had 30 items and 200 respondent. Continue Reading


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