The study investigated the influence of social networking on academic activities of business education students in federal universities in Nigeria. The study had six research objectives, six research questions and six null hypotheses. Descriptive survey design was adopted for the study. The population was 989 and the sample was 492, which was obtai... Continue Reading
This study investigated the “Impact of Implementation of National Teachers Institute Distance Learning Programmes on Primary School Teachers in Kano State, Nigeria”. The study was carried out with four (4) objectives among which are to: explore whether NTI Kano centre impacted on primary school teacher in Kano state and find out the influence o... Continue Reading
This study investigated Media Resources Organization and Utilization for Information Service Delivery in University libraries in Northwest states of Nigeria. In order to achieve this noble objective, five research questions were formulated to find out the types of media resources available for information service delivery in university libraries in... Continue Reading
The study investigated the impact of micro teaching skills on Nigeria colleges of education student performance in teaching practice. The objectives of the study were to; examine the impact of the skill of appropriate use of instructional materials on the performance of studentteacher, identify the impact of the skill of appropriate use of classroo... Continue Reading
The study specifically aims to investigate the opinion of NCE Social Studies students, male and female, NCE II and NCE III students on promoting entrepreneurship skills and self-reliance through Social Studies Education in Kaduna State among others. The research questions and null hypotheses were stated based on the objectives raised. The study use... Continue Reading
This study investigated the Relationship between Broken Homes and Emotional Adjustment among Secondary School Students in Gusau Metropolis Zamfara State, Nigeria. To guide the study three research objectives, three research questions and three hypotheses were raised. correlational research design was employed to carry out the study. The proportiona... Continue Reading
The study investigated the relationship among locus of control, parent educational background and academic performance in Social Studies among secondary school students in Niger State, Nigeria. The study employed correlational design. The study was also guided by three (3) research questions and three (3) hypotheses. The population of the study con... Continue Reading
This study was instituted to find out the Perception of Parents and Students, on the Causes and Remedies of Drug Abuse among Students in Senior Secondary Schools in Kaduna State. The study had four objectives, research questions and four hypotheses. This study employed a survey research design, the population of the study was forty one thousand fou... Continue Reading
The purpose of this study was to assess knowledge, attitude and practice (KAP) of family planning among rural women in Kogi state, Nigeria. Ex-post facto research design was used for this study and the sample size consisted of 384 respondents. To achieve this purpose, a researcher developed questionnaire was used as instrument for data collection. ... Continue Reading
The purpose of this study was to assess the extent to which citizenship and leadership training programmes influenced the physical fitness, social, emotional and adventure skills development of youths in Nigeria. The instrument used for data collection was the self-developed questionnaire. It consist of six sections on each the variable of youths d... Continue Reading
The study examined the perceived impact of corrupt practices on the personnel, facilities/ equipment, management of the sports associations, sports competitions and officiating in the State Sports Councils in Nigeria. The Ex-Post Facto research designed was used for this study. The population for this study cut across coaches, athletes, organizing ... Continue Reading
This research work Titled?the practice of people of katsina stateon child custody after termination of marriage? endeavored to look into the situation of children after marriage separation, in order to present the Islamic rules and regulations of child custody, and to appraise the implications of negligence of a child after marriage termination….... Continue Reading
This research work entittled “An analysis of the approach of Shari?ah court Judgements to dissolution of marriage and its impacts on the life of muslims in kaduna state” aimed at evaluating the problems and challenges of marriage, in Shari?ah court in Kaduna state, assessing the factor responsible for deterring reconciliation of marriage cases ... Continue Reading
This study examined the ergonomic assessment of physiological cost of household work among women in Kaduna metropolis, Nigeria. It assessed the energy cost, heart rate, rate of perceived exertion and postural stress of cooking activities of kneading dough, stirring hard porridge (tuwon-shinkafa) and pounding yam among women in Kaduna metropolis, Ni... Continue Reading
The study investigated the Efficacy of Social Studies Curriculum in Promoting democratic values and political participation among Junior Secondary School Students in Kaduna State, Nigeria. The study was guided by three objectives, three research questions and three hypotheses. Descriptive survey method was employed with total population of 9995 out... Continue Reading