Indiscipline and rampant clashes between forces personnel with frequent „accidental discharge? observed among military personnel are often associated with drugs. Drugs are known to have the potency of effecting changes in the perception, feelings and behavior of living organisms. Of more paramount is the use of social drugs referred to as recreat... Continue Reading
This research work aimed at assessing the gender factor in the employment of social studies teachers in Zaria, Kaduna state, Nigeria. The objective of the study was to find out the differences in the views of male and female social studies teachers on the assessment of gender factor in the employment of social studies teachers in junior secondary s... Continue Reading
This research work was carried out to establish the influence of accreditation exercise on academic standard in colleges of education in North-west Geo-political zone, Nigeria. The general objective of this study is to determine the influence of National Commission for Colleges of Education accreditation exercises on academic standard in Colleges o... Continue Reading
This research work which is on the influence of students’ ordinary level entry grades in Mathematics and Principles of Accounting on Students’ Academic Performance in Advanced Financial Accounting was conducted with the main objective of determining the influence of O/L entry grades on business education students’ performance at the end of NC... Continue Reading
The objective of the study was to survey and describe the pattern of gender marking in Zazzaganci. The study also sought to discover the difference(s) (if any) between the pattern of gender marking in the speech of the modern educated and the non-modern educated. The study used judgmental sampling technique and collected data through the recorded i... Continue Reading
The study is to assess the impact of Universal Basic Education (UBE) programme on Girl Child Education in Jigawa State. The population of the study consists of 1085 primary schools, 195 junior secondary schools with a total of 8298 teachers for both levels. The study is designed to achieve the following objectives: examine the impact of UBE program... Continue Reading
This study investigated the Impacts of Process Approach on Questioning Preference, Academic Achievement and Retention Span among Chemistry students in Senior Secondary School (SS2). A sample of 78 students selected from two secondary schools in Zaria Metropolis were used as the study sample from a population of 1,241 students from 10 schools. The t... Continue Reading
This study was carried out to determine the influence of business education skills in promoting Small and Medium Scale Enterprises (SMEs) in North-Western Geopolitical Zone of Nigeria. The study had five specific objectives which aimed at determining: how book-keeping/accounting skills influence the success of SMEs, the ways through which marketing... Continue Reading
The thesis titled „Influence of husbands? participation in household tasks on wives? employment? focused on the world of working mothers; the rigors and challenges they face everyday in order to fulfill their office and home obligations. As the numbers of employed mothers rise daily, in the face of economic difficulty; many of these wives experie... Continue Reading
This study focused on the influence of Information and Communication Technology Resources on Teaching Office Technology and Management in Polytechnics in North-Central Geo-political Zone, Nigeria. Descriptive survey design was used and the population which formed the sample for the study was all the Lecturers in the eleven (11) Polytechnics in the ... Continue Reading
The study focused on the influence of mothers’ employment on the academic performance of pupils of primary school age in Federal Capital Territory of Abuja. Three objectives were drawn: determine the influence of mothers’ employment on the academic performance of pupils in primary schools;determine how mothers’ employment influence academic p... Continue Reading
The study was undertaken to determine the Information Sourcing, Organization and Dissemination by Agricultural Extension Workers in Borno State Agricultural Development Programme (BOSADP). Five research questions were investigated ranging from types of agricultural information sourced, methods adopted in sourcing the information, organization of ag... Continue Reading
The paper argued that information begets education and an educated person is not that who memorised fact, theories, philosophies and other aspects of knowledge. Rather, an educated person is that who has accumulated information from which the required knowledge, ideas and experiences are derived formally and informally and who can know which inform... Continue Reading
This study titled “The Perception of the relationship between teachers? quality and students? academic performance in Hausa language of senior secondary schools in Kano metropolis”. The study sought to: determine the relationship between teachers qualification/ certification and students academic performance. Establish the relationship between ... Continue Reading
The purpose of this study was to investigate ?Knowledge and Use of Psychoactive Substances among Undergraduate Students of Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria? Ex-post facto research design was used to study 327 subjects from twelve faculties of Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria. The subjects were drawn through stratified random sampling proportionate and ... Continue Reading