This study examined the relationship among self-esteem, goal orientation and academic achievement of secondary school students in Zaria Metropolis, Kaduna State. A correlational research design was used in carrying out this study. The sample size for the study consists of 367 students drawn from eight randomly selected schools through cluster sampl... Continue Reading
This study investigated the influence of reflective and impulsive cognitive styles on academic self-efficacy among senior secondary students in Kaduna state, Nigeria. The ex-post factor research design was used for the study. The population of the study was 156,230 whereas 320 students were selected by means of multi-stage and proportionate stratif... Continue Reading
The study investigated lecturers? and students? perception of the impact of citizenship and value education in checking university study unrest in North-West Nigeria. A descriptive research design was adopted. The population of the study was 120,000 students and 10,062 lecturers of fifteen (15) universities in the entire North-West. The sample of t... Continue Reading
This study examined the influence of traumatic stress on academic adjustment among tertiary institution students in Potiskum,Yobe state, Nigeria. To guide the study, four research objectives, four research questions and four hypotheses were raised. Ex post factor design was employed to carry out this study. Proportionate sampling technique was used... Continue Reading
This study employed correlational design to investigate the relationship between post- traumatic stress disorder and academic performance among secondary school students in Rivers State, Nigeria. Some selected behaviour problems` of aggression, anxiety and depression, caused by post-traumatic stress disorder were studied. Based on the focus of the ... Continue Reading
The work examines the relationship between students’ performance in English and selected science subjects in Colleges of Education. The population is two hundred level Biology, Chemistry and Physics students in Colleges of Education in the six geopolitical areas of Nigeria. The research instrument was an academic record analysis (ARA) of the stud... Continue Reading
The study examined the Relationship between Post Traumatic Stress Reaction and School Adjustment among Primary School pupils living in Conflict Areas of Wukari, Taraba State. From a population of 49,950, a sample of 382 pupils, out of which 211were males (54.4%) and 170 females (44.6%) was randomly selected. The study was guided by three major obje... Continue Reading
The purpose of this study was to identify the barriers to the Use of Management Information System in National Board for Technical Education Kaduna for enhanced management planning and decision making and to determine the impact and consequences of the use of MIS. The study adopted the survey method of research and the instruments used for data col... Continue Reading
This study is aimed at the Assessment of the Implementation of Social Studies Curriculum in Junior Secondary Schools in Kaduna State. The researcher made use of the survey research design with two hundred and twenty (220) social studies teachers respondents as sample size and questionnaire was used as research instrument. In the data analysis, perc... Continue Reading
This study assesses students’ use of library and reading comprehension performance among selected colleges in Kaduna metropolis. The population for the study from the two colleges slated in respect of the study was 1,304. A total proportional sample of 391 was used for the study. The instruments adopted for this study included questionnaires, obs... Continue Reading
This study assessed the Nigeria Certificate in Education (NCE) teachers? performance in the attainment of social studies curriculum objectives in upper basic schools in Nigeria. A total number of eight (8) research objectives, research questions and hypotheses each were formulated in this study. The research design used in this study was descriptiv... Continue Reading
The study investigated the effect of positive reinforcement counselling technique on tobacco smoking among secondary school students in Katagum, Bauchi State. The research design adopted for this study was a quasi-experimental involving a pre-test and post-test research design. Population of the study consists of 1772 SS2 students from twelve senio... Continue Reading
This study investigated the Effects of Information Communication Technology on Senior Secondary School Students‘ Geometry Retention and Performance in Bauchi State, Nigeria. The study, which adopted a quasi-experimental design and a non-equivalent, pretest, posttest, post posttest in nature have two intact classes assigned, one to control and the... Continue Reading
The study investigated the effect of rumours on the dissemination and utilisation of information for social stability in Plateau State concerning cattle rustling and alleged covert discrimination and accusation against Hausa/Fulani communities which no doubt created mistrust; enemity and disorientation among people in the state. The objectives of t... Continue Reading
The study is concerned with evaluation of the Non-governmental Organizations (NGOs in fostering women education in women centres in Nigeria. The objective of study includes among others, identification ofthe contributions and efforts of NGOs in assisting women in fostering their education in women centres with respect to enrolment, retention, skill... Continue Reading