Search result(s): 961 - 975 of 1158 » Department » Education

development of functional maternity apparels from commercial blocks patterns, fasteners and disposal of fullness in federal capital territoryabuja, nigeria

The research design used for the study was Research and development (R&D) design. The population of the study was one hundred and twelve thousand; four hundred and thirty(112,430) pregnant women. The sample size was 399 calculated with Taro Yamane sampling method: n= N/ (1+N (e) ^2).Instrument used for the collection of primary data for this study,... Continue Reading


physical properties, nutritive value and acceptability of soybean cheese (tofu) among boarding secondary school students in kaduna metropolis, nigeria

The study was guided by five (5) objectives, five (5) research questions. The population for the study was four thousand six hundred and six (4,606) out of which ten (10) panelist were selected from each school making a total number of thirty (30) panelist were selected as sample for the study. The instrument used for collecting data were three la... Continue Reading


relationship between emotional anxiety, coping strategies and psychological adjustment of the internally displaced persons in kaduna state, nigeria

The study adopted correlative research design. The target population of the study was nine thousand, six hundred and thirty-five (9, 635) male and female internally displaced persons Kaduna State Nigeria. The sample of the study was360 respondents drawn from entire internally displaced persons. Data were collected using Emotional Anxiety Inventory ... Continue Reading


perceptions of stakeholders on the management of universal basic education (u.b.e) programme in north-west zone of nigeria

The study was aimed at finding out how the UBE programme was managed in Northwest zone. Four states out of seven states of Northwest zone was used for this study. Seven objectives were set to guide the study, which include to examine the staffing situation, provision and maintenance of infrastructural facilities, to funding of UBE programme and stu... Continue Reading


effect of cognitive restructuring and social skills training on social phobia among secondary school students in kaduna metropolis, nigeria

Seven (7) Objectives were set to guide this study,and Seven (7) null hypotheses were formulated and tested. Quasi-experimental design involving pre-test, post-test on two (2) experimental groups was used. The population was made up of 1742 students who exhibited symptoms of social Phobia in Kaduna metropolis, Nigeria. A sample size of 40 students ... Continue Reading


effects of flipped classroom instructional strategies on senior secondary school students’ performance in oralenglish in minna, niger state, nigeria

The research was guided by eightobjectives, eightresearch questions with corresponding eight null hypotheses tested at 0.05 level of significance. The target population for the study was all senior secondary school student s offering English Language in Minna, Niger State. Multi-stage sampling was used to select the schools and students for the stu... Continue Reading


effects of guided discovery and think-pair share methods on academic performance of economics students in colleges of education in north-west zone, nigeria

The study had five objectives, five research question and five null hypotheses which were formulated and tested at 0.05 level of significance. A quasi experimental research design was adopted for the study. The population of the study was 1007 N.C.E. I business education students of 2017/2018 academics session in College of Education in North-west ... Continue Reading


impact of polya’s problem solving strategy on attitude, performance and retention in algebra among junior secondary school students in zamfara state, nigeria

This study investigated the Impact of Polya‟s Problem Solving Strategy on Attitude, Performance and Retention in Algebra among Junior Secondary School Students in Zamfara State, Nigeria. Quasi-experimental and Control group design involving pretest, posttest and postpost- test was used for the study. The population for this study consisted of... Continue Reading


influence of insurgency on family relationship among the internally displaced persons in north-east, nigeria

The study adopted the survey research design. The population for the study comprised of 229,721 IDPs in all the IDP camps of the three states in North-East, Nigeria. Atotal of 400 respondents were selected using stratified sampling techniques. The sample was obtained from the two highest populated IDP camps from the three states of Adamawa, Borno a... Continue Reading


records organization in the registry of ahmadu bello university, zaria, nigeria

The research method adopted was qualitative research method while case study was used as a research design, the population of the study comprised of six records managers working in the registry of Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria, and the entire population were used as sample of the study. Interview was used as instrument for data collection. The dat... Continue Reading


assessment of education trust fund (etf) library intervention project in nigerian colleges of education libraries

The study used the staff in the colleges of education libraries and students as subjects. The subjects were drawn randomly to avoid working with biased samples. Data collected were analyzed using descriptive statistics in form of frequency distribution and percentages. Hypotheses formulated were tested using t-test and the findings in testing the h... Continue Reading


assessment of information management in state universal basic education boards in thenorth-western states of nigeria

To achieve this purpose five research questions were formulated with respect to the types of Information generated, its organisation, storage and retrieval, dissemination and uses of information in State Universal Basic Education Boards in North-western States of Nigeria. Survey research method was adopted and structured questionnaire and observati... Continue Reading


information services provision for access and utilization of agricultural science students by national agricultural extension research and liaison services, ahmadu bello university, zaria, nigeria

The study adopted quantitative research method and descriptive research design. The population of the study was 995 and a sample size of 320 was drawn for the study. The instrument used for data collection was the questionnaire, while proportionate stratified random sampling technique was used in selecting respondents for the study. Data collected ... Continue Reading


knowledge, attitude and practice of environmental sanitation among households in bauchi state, nigeria

This study was conducted to assess the knowledge, attitude and practice of environmental sanitation among households in Bauchi state, Nigeria. To achieve this purpose, an ex-post-facto research design was used. A total number of 810 households from three (3) senatorial zones of Bauchi State were selected out of the projected population of 1,113,240... Continue Reading


influence of school-based management committees on the administration of secondary schools in north-west zone, nigeria

This study examined the Influence of School-Based Management Committees on the Administration of Secondary Schools in North-west Zone, Nigeria. To achieve this, ten (10) objectives were set to; evaluate the influence of School-Based Management Committees on decision making process, ascertain the influence of School-Based Management Committees on sc... Continue Reading


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