Search result(s): 901 - 915 of 1158 » Department » Education

relationship among attitude to school, causal attribution for failure and academic achievement of senior secondary school students

This study examined the relationship among attitude to school, causal attribution for failure and academic achievement of senior secondary school students in Okene, Kogi state, Nigeria. The study had five objectives, and five hypotheses were formulated and tested. The population for the study was 2639 SSII students out of which 335 students studied... Continue Reading


assessment of the influence of female university undergraduate students’ moral standard on dress code implementation

The objective of this research is to examine the influence of female undergraduates‟ age, marital status, moral value and sexual morality on dress code implementation. The study was conducted using descriptive survey design with the target population of seventeen thousand, one hundred and sixteen (17,116) female undergraduates. A sample size ... Continue Reading


effects of guided-discovery and tutorial teaching methods on performance of business education students in economics in federal college of education, zaria, nigeria

The study investigated the Effect of Guided-discovery and Tutorial Teaching Method on Performance of Business Education Students in Economics in Federal College of Education, Zaria, Nigeria. Five research questions were answered and five null hypotheses were tested. This study used quasi experimental design. The population was 581Business Education... Continue Reading


impact of teachers’ experience and qualification in implementing junior secondary school social studies curriculum

The study was guided by four objectives, four research questions and four null hypotheses. Survey research design was adopted. However, the population of the study was 2427 teachers of Social Studies selected from three educational zones of Kaduna State, Nigeria. The sample size used in the study was 332. The study used two sampling techniques name... Continue Reading


awareness and utilisation of institutional digital repository (idr) by postgraduate students of the faculty of science

The study investigated Awareness and Utilisation of Institutional Digital Repository by Postgraduate Students of the Faculty of Science, Ahmadu Bello University Zaria. The study achieved the following objectives;To find out the extent of awareness of the Institutional Digital Repository, to identify the factors motivating the Utilisation of the Ins... Continue Reading


assessment of information management in primary and secondary schools

To achieve the objectives of the study, eight research questions and four hypotheses were formulated, raised and answered. The research questions raised include among others what types of information are available in Staff School and Demonstration Secondary School, Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria and to what extent the available information in staff... Continue Reading


utilisation of knowledge management tools for library operations and services in federal university libraries

This study was carried out to investigate the Utilization of Knowledge Management Tools for library operations and services in federal university libraries of Northern States of Nigeria. To do this, five research questions were formulated and three hypotheses were tested. Survey research method was employed in the conduct of this study. The total n... Continue Reading


online information seeking behaviour of post graduate students

This study was carried out to investigate the Online Information Seeking Behaviour of Postgraduate Students in Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria. Five research questions were raised and five (5) hypothesis were formulated and tested at ÎÂ�=0.05. The research questions sought to find out the types of online information resources and services available... Continue Reading


assessment of knowledge and attitude of sexual risk behaviour among senior secondary school students

The purpose for this study was to assess knowledge and attitude of sexual risk behaviour among senior secondary school students in Bauchi State, Nigeria. An expost facto research design was used. A total of 76,279 constituted the number of respondents used for this study. A multi stage sampling procedurewhich included stratified and proportionate s... Continue Reading


effect of inquiry teaching method on nce social studies students’ attitude and academic performance

The study population consisted of all social students‘ of colleges of education in Katsina State and they include Federal Colleges of Education Katsina and Yusuf Bala Usman Colleges of legal and general studies Daura. The total population was 942, while the sample size was 216. The test instrument developed by the researcher for the study was... Continue Reading


impact of social studies education on ethnic integration and peaceful co-existence among junior secondary school students

This study examined the impact of Social Studies Education on ethnic integration and peaceful co-existence among JSS students in Katsina State. Four objectives, four research questions and four hypotheses were formulated to guide the study. Thus, survey research method was adopted for the study. And total population of 266,689 of all the JSS studen... Continue Reading


a study of conflict, co-optation and adaptation in a federal program

The study examines the operation of the three variables— conflict, co-optation and adaptation within the context of a program to t r a i n l i b r a r i a n s operated by the U.S. Office of Education under the authority of T i t l e II-B of the Higher Education Act of 1965 (Public Law 89-329). The program studied was administered by the Divi... Continue Reading


a study of school library resources in selected secondary schools in nigeria

The purpose of this study was to examine the existing school library resources in selected secondary schools in Nigeria, to utilize the findings to propose standards which should govern a secondary school, and to suggest means whereby these standards might be attained. Continue Reading


information resources, services and use in indigenous manufacturing companies in plateau and kaduna states

This study investigates the information resources available in the indigenous manufacturing companies, services provided by indigenous manufacturing companies in Kaduna and Plateau states and the use of information resources by the company employees. Twenty companies were studied from which 400 subjects were drawn from the companies. Survey researc... Continue Reading


use of presidency libraries in abuja by government officials

The findings of the study revealed that books, reports, journals, newspapers and government publications are the major types of information resources in the Presidency libraries. Decrees are not available in the Police Affairs library and the National Assembly libraries. Government circulars and audio-visual materials are also not available in all... Continue Reading


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