This study which focused on the use of Hausa Verbal Arts as aid in teaching Primary Five Pupils in Zaria Local Government Area is replete with a number of challenges. Four (4) research question, statement of the problem, five research objectives and justifications two (2) methods were employed in conducting the research. In a class of fourty (40), ... Continue Reading
This study investigated the impact of inquiry and demonstration methods on attitude, retention and performance among secondary school physic students of varied ability in Kano, Nigeria. Quasi �“ experimental design was adopted for the study. A purposive sampling technique was used to select six schools out of thirty nine secondary schools in Dawak... Continue Reading
This study is to investigate the Impact of Inquiry-Based Instruction on Self-efficacy and Understanding of Nature of Science among NCE Biology Students. There are four research questions and four null hypotheses. The research design for the study was quasi experimental which adopted the pretest-posttest experimental control groups design. The popul... Continue Reading
This study assessed the Impact of Principal‘s Supervisory Role Performances on Teaching and Learning of Economics in Secondary Schools in Gombe Metropolis, Gombe State, Nigeria. The study was carried out with five research objectives among others are; to assess the impact of principal‘s supervisory role of teacher‘s lesson plan on teaching an... Continue Reading
This study investigated the Impact of Science-Technology-Society (STS) Instruction on Performance and Retention of EcologyConcepts among Slow Learners in Secondary Schools inKaduna. The study employed apre-test, posttest, post posttest quasi experimental design. The population consisted of 190 SS2 science students consisting of 105 males and 85 fem... Continue Reading
Integrated Library System (ILS) switching is a very crucial project in the life of any library, and capital intensive. However, Nigerian university libraries have continued to switch ILS within a short period after deployment without reaping the cost of investment made in the first instance. This study sought to determine the reasons for switching ... Continue Reading
This research work investigated the influence of broken home on academic performance among primary school pupils in Paikoro Local Government Area of Niger State. The study employed descriptive survey design. A total of 300 primary six pupils from broken home took part in the study; out of which sixty-nine (23%) pupils whose parents are dead, one hu... Continue Reading
This study was carried out to investigate the influence of Celebrities? Dressing Styles on Students? Choice of Clothing and Socialization in tertiary institutions in Kaduna state, Nigeria. Four objectives, four research question and four null hypotheses were formulated as well as review of relevant literatures to the study.The study was asurvey res... Continue Reading
This study investigated the influence of parental background on the Girl-Child’s Vocational Skill acquisition in junior secondary schools in Kaduna state, Nigeria. It was predicted on the assumption that parents have negative influence on vocational skill acquisition of the Girl-Child. A total of (4) research questions and objectives were advance... Continue Reading
The study investigated the influence of parental social class and parental intervention on school adjustment of Senior Secondary School Students in Giwa educational zone, Kaduna state. The study was guided by four research questions and four hypotheses. survey design was employed in the study.310 secondary students were used as the sample of the st... Continue Reading
This study investigated the Influence of parents, teachers and peer group on students? choice of Business subjects in Government Secondary Schools, Kaduna state, Nigeria. The study had four objectives. Four research questions were raised to guide the study while four null hypotheses were formulated and tested. Descriptive survey research design was... Continue Reading
This study examined the Influence of social media usage on time management among students of Federal College of Education, Zaria, Nigeria. Six objectives, questions, basic assumptions and hypotheses guided the study. The study sample included 735 male students and 589 female students, making a total of 1,323 sampled respondents for the study. The e... Continue Reading
This study examined the influence of social networking on academic performance of secondary school students in Kaduna Metropolis, Nigeria. The study was guided by four research questions and four null hypotheses that were tested at 0.05 level of significance. Expost-facto research design was used in this study. The population of the study consisted... Continue Reading
This study focused on information seeking and use for academic stress and coping strategies among undergraduate students of Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria. In order to achieve this objective, Four (4) research questions and three (3) null hypotheses were formulated. The research sought to find out thecauses of academic stress in the information see... Continue Reading
This study investigated Records Retention Strategies in Registry Department of Ahmadu Bello University Zaria. Records are important document found in the possession of either individual or organization. Four (4) research questions were raised to find out the types of records that are generated in the Registry Department of Ahmadu Bello University Z... Continue Reading