This study investigated the effects of converging and diverging Kolb �“ learning styles preference on the academic performance of secondary school students in Mathematics in Zaria, Kaduna state. Three objectives, three research questions and three null hypotheses were formulated. The study was on the effect of two Kolb �“ learning styles for teac... Continue Reading
This study focused on the Impact of Supervision on the Management of Secondary Schools in North-East Geo-Political Zone, Nigeria. Ten (10) research questions were raised and ten (10) null hypotheses were postulated to find out the significant difference in the opinions of three categories of respondents. Descriptive survey method was adopted for th... Continue Reading
This study investigated the pre-service teachers? attitudes towards web-quest instruction in Colleges of Education Katsina state. Six research questions and four hypotheses were drawn to guide the study. A Survey research design was adopted to conduct the study. Related literaturewas reviewed after the conceptual framework based on the major variab... Continue Reading
The study focused on assessment of the availability, accessibility and utilization of computers on students? proficiency in word-processing in Colleges of Education, North-West, Nigeria. Four research questions and four Null Hypotheses were drawn to guide the study. The research adopted descriptive survey design. The population for the study was 30... Continue Reading
Women?s rights and how they are being practiced among different societies and civilisations remain among the topical issues in today?s world. This study made an examination of the practice of Islamic women rights and how it impacted on people in Katsina state. The key variables addressed by the study were the applicability of marital rights, econom... Continue Reading
This study investigated the effect ofenriched expository method on interest and performance in geometry among Junior Secondary School Students in Kaduna State, Nigeria. The study determined the effect ofenrichedexpository method on student?s interest and performance in geometry. Italso examined thedifferential effect ofenrichedexpository method on ... Continue Reading
This study assessed the influence of keyboarding and word processing II skills on business education students‘ effectiveness in word processing IV in the three Federal Colleges of Education, North-west zone, Nigeria. The study had five objectives, five research questions and five null hypotheses. Ex-post facto research design was used in the stud... Continue Reading
This study investigated perceived gender competence by athletes in the administration of sports in Nigerian universities. This is in view of the general assumption that female are weaker gender than their male counterpart. The study was guided by seven purposes, which revolves around finding out the gender perceived to have the competence of coordi... Continue Reading
This research focused on the relationship between teachers’ self-efficacy application package and classroom practices in senior secondary school in Zaria zone, Kaduna state. Four objectives with corresponding research questions and hypotheses were formulated to guide the study. Survey research design was employed. The study revived related litera... Continue Reading
This study assessed the availability and utilization of computer packages in teaching and learning of Islamic Studies in secondary schools in Kaduna State. The research work was as a result of ineffective usage of instructional materials in teaching and learning of Islamic Studies by teachers of Islamic Studies because of their inability to interac... Continue Reading
TheComparative Effectiveness of Using Computer and Typewriter for Teachingword processing in business education or instruction generally, has often been a serious area of discourse among business educators, teachers and students. One of such areas of concerns has to do with the level of effectiveness in the various applications or skills of the com... Continue Reading
This study was carried out to determine the effects of instructional resources on students‘ academic performance in agricultural science in senior secondary schools in Kaduna State, Nigeria. The desire to embark on the research study therefore, stemmed from the fact that inadequate andlack of use of instructional resources was seen as major facto... Continue Reading
This study investigated the effect of pictures and realia on academic performance of junior secondary school students in basic technology in Kaduna State, Nigeria. The study sought to determine the effect of pictures and realia on the academic performance of junior secondary school students in basic technology. This study was guided by research que... Continue Reading
This study investigated the Impact of Collegial teaching strategy and Verbal-Interaction on Attitude and Performance in Basic Science among Junior Secondary students in Kafanchan Education Zone, Kaduna State, Nigeria. Five objective questions, five research questions and five null hypotheses were formulated for this study and tested respectively.18... Continue Reading
In recent years, attention has been drawn to the need to improve the business environment for agriculture to become more successful by gradually shifting from subsistence to commercial agriculture. Several agricultural empowerment programmes have been introduced to reduce abject poverty among rural farmers in Nigeria and also improve their standard... Continue Reading