This study focused on the “Assessment of student?s perception of Joint Admission and Matriculation Board computer based examination in Nnamdi Azikiwe University, Awka, Anambra state, Nigeria. The study had five objectives; five research questions and three hypotheses. Relevant literatures to the study were reviewed and all cited authorities were ... Continue Reading
The study investigated the information resources and services of staff school libraries in Niger state. The general objective of the study is to assess the information resources and services of staff school libraries in Niger State. Survey method was adopted for the research; the choice of this method is based on the fact that the study area is spr... Continue Reading
The necessity of the study is premised on the face of dwindled financier support to private secondary schools which necessitated the arbitrary increase in school fees by proprietors and consequence outcry by patrons. The study believes that there is the need for mutual understanding among the stakeholders about what it takes to operate a private se... Continue Reading
Cola nut is a caffeine-containing nut of evergreen trees of the genus Cola, primarily of the species Cola acuminata and Cola nitida. It is one of the most common chewable nut in Nigeria. It is a central nervous system stimulant used in folk medicine as an aphrodisiac, an appetite suppressant, to treat migraine headache and indigestion. The aim of t... Continue Reading
The study was undertaken to investigate the “Effects of Class Size and Ability levels on Students? Performance in Mathematics among Junior Secondary School Students in Kaduna Metropolis” to proffer solutions to the problem of poor performance in Mathematics. The study made use of experimental design in which three secondary schools were used wi... Continue Reading
The adage that says “if education is expensive, try ignorance” is not a mere saying but an axiom of life. Penny wise, pound foolish. It is the wisdom drawn from this adage that has made the various governments to give priority to funding of education in Nigeria. In spite of the compendium of sums been allocated to education, the education syste... Continue Reading
This thesis investigated the relationships among stress, coping strategies and academic achievement of University undergraduate students in Imo and Kaduna State. A correlational type of survey design was used for the study. Three faculties from the Universities were used. A Random Sampling Technique was used in selecting 337 students, both male and... Continue Reading
This study is to assess the activities of the Du?at in Zazzau Emirate among the Maguzawa who accepted Islam. It was limited to only five local government areas in the emirate. The research presents the history of the emirate, tribe, religion and its locations in Kaduna state as well as it boundaries with other neighboring states. The research was a... Continue Reading
The study was on the assessment of library resources and services for universal basic education in Daure zonal education of Katsina state. To achieve this four (4) research questions were raised; library resources made available for universal basic education programme in Daura zonal education of Katsina state; are library services are provided for ... Continue Reading
This research work titled Assessment of Early Childhood Education Graduates on Attainment of Pre-primary Education Objectives in North-central Geo-political Zone of Nigeria. The main objective of this study was to assess the Early Childhood Education graduates on attainment of pre-primary education objectives. The study had seven specific objective... Continue Reading
This study sought to assess the implementation of business education curriculum in colleges of education in north-west geo-political zone of Nigeria. The research has four specific objectives, four research questions which were meant to guide the study and four null hypotheses which were tested at 0.05 level of significant. The study adopted survey... Continue Reading
This study on the “Assessment of Skills Acquisition for Self-Reliance in Business Studies Curriculum among Junior Secondary School Students in Kaduna State, Nigeria”, was conducted with the objectives to: determine the extent to which business studies influences students acquisition of keyboarding skill for self-reliance in junior secondary sch... Continue Reading
This research focused on Assessment of social Attitudes and Values as tools for citizenship transmission. It covers all the Jss11 and Jss111 public secondary school students in Niger state. The research aimed at finding the opinion of male and female students on their assessment of social attitudes and values as tools for citizenship transmission. ... Continue Reading
This study investigated the effect of cognitive behavioural technique in reducing depression symptoms among adult learners in Benue State, Nigeria. The population consisted of male and female adult learners in Benue State Agency for Adult and Non-formal education, Makurdi. The study was a quasi-experimental study which adopted pre-test, post-test c... Continue Reading
The study focused on determining the Effectsof Token Economy and Time-out Counselling Techniques on Disruptive Classroom Communication Behaviour among Secondary School Students in Zaria Metropolis.The study employed a quasi-experimental pre-test, post-test-Control group design. The purposive sampling technique was used to select threeprivate Second... Continue Reading