

Presented To

Department of Education

This research work sought to analyse the Hadith Reports of SAHIH BUKHARI and MUDAWWANAH of IMAM MALIK on SALAT. Salat constitutes one of the important pillars of Islam, apart from shahadataini iff (faith), both Imams Bukhari and Malik have devoted a chapter each in their works of Hadith and Fiqh (jurisprudence). Imam al-Bukhari who is a great Muhaddith, compilled his most famous work - Jami as-sahih, on Traditions of the Prophet (SAW), he provided in his sahih headings which covered the whole range of ficjh (Islamic law), the work is divided into 3450 chapters, apart from the repitition of some of the ahadith, the distinct ahadith are 2762. Similarly Imam Malik is a jurist and a Muhaddith, who spent most of his life in Madinah; his famous works include Kitab al-Muwatta (The Book of the Levelled path). The research work is based on al-Bukhari which is a Hadith and Mudawwanah; which is a Fiqh base with support of Hadith to bring out the issues of sala't as contained in these Books.In conducting this research, the data were obtained from sahih al-Bukhari vol. 1 and Fatwa of al-Imam Malik in al-Mudawwanah vol. 1 on issues related to salatul Maktubah (the obligatory prayers) in these two books, the Hadith Reports were compared and analysed with the aid of the various jurists and Muhaddith view points on these issues. Hadith Reports from al-Bukhari vol. 1 and Fatwa of Imam Malik in ah Mudawwanah were selected on these various siffat of as-salat: Takbiratul Ihram, to what level should one raise hands in Takbir, forgetting Takbiratul Ihram, what to say after Takbir, facing qibla, position of fatiha in Salat, saying Ameen loudly, Basmala, recitation of Surah, to place the right hand on the left in prayer, Ruku'u and Sujud, spreading fingers on knees in ruku'u, prostrating on cloth, mats and Saiiada, times of the prayer, following the Imam strickly, Imam leading prayer sitting, making signal and clapping and saying Subhanallah, Hadith reports selected were analysed based on the research questions. The findings of the research showed that there is no significant difference between Hadith reports on matters of Salat in al-Bukhari and that of aJ: Mudawwanah, the minor differences that exist arise as a result of differences in understanding but not on the basic principles of as-salat. The research also revealed that figh is the vehicle and means of understanding of the Qur'an and the Sunnah of the Prophet (SAW), which provides a complimentry role in the understanding of Islam, as against the view of some scholars who advocate for strict adherance to Qur'an and Sunnah only discarding Fiqh


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