ABSTRACTThis study assessed the Perceptions of stakeholders on the management of secondary schools in Zaria Education Zone, Kaduna State, Nigeria. The study had five objectives, some of which were to ascertain the Perceptions of MOE officials, principals, teachers and PTA officials on the management of staff development and internal communication in secondary schools in Zaria Education Zone, Kaduna State. Five research questions were raised in line with the stated objectives and five null hypotheses were formulated for test. Relevant and related literatures were reviewed on concept of school activities, concept of management, concept of staff development and concept of supervision. The study is a descriptive research design using survey method. The population of the study involves 46 secondary school principals, 1,436 teachers, 35 MOE officials and 30 members of Parent Teachers Association (PTA). The sample population of the study involves 12 principals, 359 teachers, 9 Zonal Education Board Staff and 8 members of Parent Teacher Association. The instrument for data collection was a Likert-five point scale questionnaire. The questionnaire was pilot-tested. Data collected were analyzed using both descriptive and inferential statistics. The bio-data of the respondents were analyzed using frequencies and percentage while the research questions were answered using frequencies, mean and standard deviation. All the null hypotheses were tested at 0.05 level of significance, using ANOVA. Findings among others showed that there is significant difference in the perceptions of Ministry of Education Officials, Principals, Teachers and members of PTA on staff development in Secondary Schools in Zaria Education Zone, Kaduna State (P = .027 < 0.05). Also, there is no significant difference in the perceptions of Ministry of Education Officials, Principals, Teachers and PTA on supervision in Secondary Schools in Zaria Education Zone, Kaduna State (P = .894 > 0.05). Recommendations were made for principals and other stakeholders to ensure that staff qualified for in-service training are recommended in the schools or within their zone, for it will improve the capabilities of the staff at the end of their training and principals should always make sure that they supervise the entire schools in order to ensure that each and every individual assigned to a task accomplishes it, that is, teachers lesson notes need to be assessed regularly.