Sense making is the process by which people create meaning out of their collective experiences to address a problem. The study investigated the sense making of health of diabetic information among type 2 diabetes mellitus patients. To achieve the objectives, the study raised six research questions: (1) What complications do type 2 diabetes mellitus patients in Zaria metropolis experience?(2) What information do type 2 diabetes mellitus patients in Zaria metropolis receive from Endocrinology Clinic to manage diabetes?(3) Who do diabetic patients in Zaria metropolis consult for information outside Endocrinology Clinic for managing complications from diabetes?(4)How has information received from Endocrinology clinic contradicted the prior knowledge of diabetic patients in managing diabetic complications?(5)How do T2DM patients understand the information received from the Endocrinology Clinic for managing diabetic complications? (6) What personal constructs do type 2 diabetic patients apply in making sense of information for managing diabetes? This study which is a qualitative study was premise within the interpretive paradigm, with Bandura‟s Social Cognitive Theory as a theoretical framework for the study. The case study approach was used to investigate the phenomena. Eighteen (18) participants were purposively sampled for the research and semi structured interview was utilized for the interrogation. Inductive approach was employed in analyzing the data collected through semi structured interview of the participants, which yielded 360 open codes, from which 72 sub- categories and 49 categories emerged. The findings of the study revealed that thirteen complications were experienced; myopathy (weakness of the body),osmatic symptoms (fluid intake), diabetic retinopathy(eyes problem),diabetic neuropathy (leg problem), weight loss, orthostatic hypotension (dizziness), Vasculopathy (blood vessels disorders), resting tachycardia (irregular heart beat), dysglycaemic (fluctuation of blood sugar), diabetic foot ulcer (wound), diabetic peripheral neuropathy (general body pains),diabetic boils, and erectile dysfunctions (sexual performance problem). Information received to manage complications were on diabetic diet, exercise, drug regimen, regulation of salt intake, need to promptly seek for help, need to share information, fluid intake and energy boost. Meaning was created out of the information through participant‟s personal experience, diabetic education, formal education and cognition. Others sources of information includes; family members, friends, traditional herbal doctors, neighbours, other diabetic patients, mass media and colleagues. Prior knowledge before Endocrinology Clinic were about; mortality rate, dietary regulation, glycaemic control, wound management, weight management, herbal medicine and physical exercise. Information received is viewed as good, important, critical, helpful, necessity, unimportant; and confusing and conflicting. Personal constructs applied in making sense includes; trust of medical practitioners, trust of friends, believe, fear of complications, family support, prior knowledge, personal judgement, formal education, and confusion. The study concluded that understanding how information is understood is essential in coping with chronic diseases like T2DM. It recommended that understanding of information will assist in developing of programme and intervention to enhance management of chronic diseases.