This study investigated the Influence of Democratic Leadership Style Practices of Provosts on the Management of Resources in Colleges of Education in North-West, Nigeria. The study specifically determined the Influence of democratic leadership style practices of provosts on human resource management in Colleges of Education in North- West, Nigeria; ascertained the Influence of democratic leadership style practices of provosts on material resource management in Colleges of Education in North-West, Nigeria; examined the influence of democratic leadership style practices of provosts on financial resource management in Colleges of Education in North-West, Nigeria, among others. The corresponding research questions raised in this study were: what is the influence of democratic leadership style practices of provosts on human resource management in Colleges of Education in North-West, Nigeria; what is the influence of democratic leadership style practices of provosts on material resource management in Colleges of Education in North-West, Nigeria, What is the influence of democratic leadership style practices of provosts on financial resource management in Colleges of Education in North-West, Nigeria; among others. Corresponding null hypotheses were formulated according to the research questions. Related literature was reviewed in relation to the variables in the objectives. The design of this study was descriptivesurvey. The population of the study was 5678 while the sample size comprised 42 Management Staff, 147 senior non-teaching Staff, 357 Teaching Staff drowned from seven Colleges of Education (one College each from the seven states of the North-West, Nigeria), which made up 546 sample size for the research. The study used questionnaire which was developed by the researcher and validated by the research supervisors. The questionnaire was made up of 5 constructs covering human, material, financial, time and curriculum resources. All the constructs were designed using five-point Likert’s scale. The instrument was pilot tested and data obtained from the process were analyzed using Alpha Cronbach and reliability index of 0.76 was obtained. To give the general description of data, frequency counts, mean scores and standard deviations were used. To test the five formulated null hypotheses, Analysis of Variance was used. Four out of five formulated null hypotheses were rejected while one was retained showing that there is significant difference in the opinions of respondents that participated in the study. Major findings of this study are: democratic leadership style practice of provost influenced proper management of human resources, materials resources, financial resources, time resources and curriculum resources in most Colleges of Education. The study recommended that for better management of human, material, financial, time and curriculum resources in Colleges of Education in the North-west Zone, provosts’ leadership should be characterized by democratic practice such being friendly and broad-minded in interaction with their subordinates. They should also be competent and dedicative in their administration through good decision making and accountability. They should also be dedicative and create time to listen and share ideas with subordinates.