This study assessed the Methodology of Teaching and learning in the Islamiyyah Schools and its contribution to the Development of Islamic Education in Zazzau Emirate, Kaduna State. The study was motivated as a result of growing number and strength of Islamiyyah Schools that appear to have dominated Makarantan Allo and Makarantan Zaure, which Zazzau Emirate became popular in the world through them. In view of this, the research adopted survey research design where necessary Data was collected. Zazzau Emirate has eleven Local Governments with over 3,000 Islamiyyah Schools and about 27,000 – 30,000 teachers. Thus, five local governments with over 1,500 Islamiyyah Schools and 12,000 teachers were sampled by the research. The questionnaires were prepared for three different categories of respondents, the Islamiyyah Schools Managements, teachers as well as the public. In this regard, 200 questionnaires were distributed to Islamiyyah Schools Managements, where 173 were returned, and 550 questionnaires were distributed to Islamiyyah Schools Teachers, and 528 were returned, also 300 questionnaires were distributed to Public, and 271 were returned. Simple percentage was used to analyze the data collected, which paved way for the discussion of the major findings of the research. The major findings of the research include; some of the Islamiyyah Schools in Zazzau Emirate combined Islamic education and Western education to the learners as 82.08% responded. Secondly, the teaching in Islamiyyah Schools were mostly conducted through repetition and demonstration methods as 71.92% responded. On the other hand, there was no coordinating body for the general conduct of Islamiyyah Schools in Zazzau Emirate. The research recommends that, there is need for the Islamiyyah Schools in Zazzau Emirate to enhance their teachings and learning to cover both Islamic education and Western education to cater for the teeming growing population, and hence the need to have more qualified teachers. More so, there is need for having a coordinating body for the Islamiyyah Schools in Zazzau Emirate to ensure uniformity of standard in their activities.