The purpose of this study was to find out the effect of television educational programme on children. One hundred and eighty respondents were randomly selected for the study in Enugu Sate and questionnaires were distributed to them. To accomplish this task, the following hypothesis were tested. Continue Reading
To ensure close and effective work, we chose survey research method. It effective work, we chose survey research method. It afforded us person to person touch as we administered the questionnaire, resulting in our attaining 100% return of the question, as intensive and strategic measure we adopted enable us collect back all the 300 copies of... Continue Reading
This research work was purely undertaken to discover, evaluate and exhaustively determine the critical role of the advertising in the sustenance of Nigeria mass media industry which has not been fully realized that warranted this study. Continue Reading
If there have been problems politically, socially and economically in the third world countries, this problem could be attributed to communication gaps between people who are expected to be in constant contract to make two ends meet. The communication gap which has been causing problems all due to the fact that mass communication in developing c... Continue Reading
Academic writings are replete with studies on news imbalance. So much have been said about news imbalance in the international scenes. However, by writing this project, the researcher intends to look beyond the imbalance to the root cause. It is hoped that the information contained in this project will go a longway to correct the persistent probl... Continue Reading
However, this topic is based on â€�“The use of public relations as a tool for eradicating cultism in Nigerian tertiary institutions: A case study of institute of management and technology IMT, Enuguâ€Â�. The main data-gathering instruments were questionnaire questions. Frequency and percentages were utilized in analysis of data. Continue Reading
In this era of social and economic instability in which the public must be given a convincing why they should part with their hard earned money, the role of the public relations practitioners cannot be over emphasized. The study also analyse the public relations strategies and policies management of the organization in question. The study set out... Continue Reading
There has been a meaningful contribution by researchers on this subject; public Relations. So this project developed after a series of consultation and research. In order to put to rest the about is the mind of many as to whether public relation is necessary in an industry or organization, I strongly believe that the industry is the means thr... Continue Reading
Public Relations through sometimes over looked is a concept that is almost as old as mankind, the early man in all his naivety built public relations principles in his action he went in search of food. While the woman held forts in the home he led his life alongside animals in the force that is to say that he maintained cordial relationship betwe... Continue Reading
In a depressed economy like Nigeria, private ownership of broadcast media is a dream which only very few individuals can realize due to its cost and maintenance unlike in a buoyant economy where individuals and organizations launch and own broadcast houses. So the economy of any nation becomes the bargaining power of its broadcasting improvement... Continue Reading
Our prime objectives in carrying out this study have been to explore the prospects and problems, substance and viability of a privatized and commercialized media using Minaj systems television Obosi as our case study. The opinions of broadcasting media audience and media practitioners on the issue of privatization and commercialization of electr... Continue Reading
It seems easy to propound idealistically the principle that freedom of expression and that of the press are close to the central meaning of all liberties, it is not easy to establish universally acceptable criteria for freedom of the press. But press freedom has been still is and will continue to be of concern to all the nations of the world consid... Continue Reading
The newspapers are more interested in the tussle and bustles of the urban cities. Therefore little or no effort of the rural dweller. There has not emerged a reliable body of knowledge and tested practical strategies on this issues that can be applied to most rural development situation for success. Continue Reading
This study was carried out to determine the newspaper readership pattern among youths. This arose because it was thought that the youth did not read newspapers and their use of other media was minimal. Against the background of seemingly lack of readership among the youth. Questionnaires draw administered to ascertain the extent of reading habi... Continue Reading
This work is designed to study how dwellers use Newspaper and Television messages to effect social change. It is pertinent to note that Newspapers, though rarely find their way into Adaba Community, only those who work in Uzo-Uwani Local Government Headquarter and those who are opportune to visit Urban areas, such as Enugu, Onitsha, Nsukka town,... Continue Reading