The aim of this study is to find out the impact of MTN advertisement on subscribers in Uyo Metropolis in general and also to show their reactions to the product and services advertisement. Also it is important to note that as the society changes, what attracts and hold attention and interest also changes.rnHowever, upon the findings derived for... Continue Reading
Our country, Nigeria is more of a capitalist state and everyone in his kind of business wants to maximize profit. By the way of negligence of the ethical standards, some advertisers, regardless of the decency, truthfulness and social values which advertising upholds stick to unethical advertising practice, thus, causing loss of lives, discomfort, a... Continue Reading
Through survey research method. This study focused on the effectiveness of the radio as an agent of social mobilization in rural communities, using a case study of Anambra state. The primary objective of this work boiled down from examining the various ways by which the effectiveness of the radio can serve as an agent for social mobilization in rur... Continue Reading
The study was focused on readership habit of female staff of Nnamdi Azikiwe University Teaching Hospital, Nnewi. The survey research method was adopted, and the researcher obtained a sample of 288 from the population of the study from whom data were obtained and analyzed. Data collected were presented in table and analyzed in simple percentage find... Continue Reading
The issue of news coverage in Nigeria has generated interest from all works of life. Argument arise as a result of what is considered inadequate coverage of sports news by Nigerian newspaper. This study analyze the contents of two Nigeria dailies - Vanguard and Nation newspapers with the aim of finding how far they have gone in the coverage of spor... Continue Reading
This study which is aimed at finding out Nigeria press coverage for foreign events both daily champion and vanguard has revealed three outstanding result. It has revealed that both daily champion and vanguard shows that great interest in the development of foreign countries even through both papers covers more negatives news about foreign countries... Continue Reading
The purpose of this study is to find out how students are affected by Magazine reading and the various ways to encourage greater reading among students. This research is based on reading habits of students in Nnamdi Azikiwe University Awka, Anambra state. This work will further feature the reactions and manner of students towards reading magazines.... Continue Reading
Magazine is an embodiment of detailed report, analysis and interpretation of events combined with literary and artistic works produced periodically for the generally born specific audience. Okumma, (1999,p.34) magazine as a print medium like the newspaper which is a bound periodically (not an everyday publication) that contains variety of content w... Continue Reading
This research is on Advertisers Preferences of Media Channels, Problems, Choice and Reasons (A Comparative Study of Daily Sun Newspaper and Newswatch Magazine). This study is designed to find out the level of preferences of different advertisers towards Daily Sun Newspaper and Newswatch Magazine. This study is divided into five chapters in order to... Continue Reading
The topic of this research work, assessing the operational problems of private broadcasting media in Nigeria is self emphatic and the research focus on the private broadcasting media of Umuahia North, Abia State Nigeria. Private broadcasting media depends to a large extent on the government and the private media owners reason that the government wh... Continue Reading
Public relations is a deliberate planned and sustained effort to maintain mutual understanding between an organization and its public. Big business no doubt recognized albeit hard way the importance of public relations in the day to day running of their business. However, there is the nation in many quarters that public relations does not yield any... Continue Reading
The performance of the Nigeria police will be analyzed and the involvement of the media in public relations awareness will be looked into, to find not the extent at which the police use public relation management in promoting its performance. Continue Reading
Laws have been seen to be virtually indispensable for an unruly society laden with licentiousness as an orientation. Because too much freedom according to John Lucke, one of the finding fathers of libertarianism, stipulates that it could lead to one man being brute to man inconveniencing another. Continue Reading
The focus of this study is �“the impact of management communication for effective organizational performanceâ€Â� with particular reference to ANAMMCO, Enugu. Continue Reading
This project is on �“the press in Nigerian politics: with analysis of issues and patterns of news coverage. The aim of the study is to find out whether or not the Nigerian press is selective in its report of similar political issues that affect the progress and functioning of the nation or not. Continue Reading