This study examines the capacity of the Local Governments in managing the education and health related Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) programmes in selected Local Governments in Kaduna and Zamfara States. The federal government has sunk in enormous resources and effort to strengthen states and local government’s capacities in managing t... Continue Reading
This study examines the principles of the implementation of the National Youth Development Policy (NYDP) at the local government level in Yobe State.Youth Development Policy (YDP), either written or oral, whether in the traditional societyor in contemporary societies involves plan of administration as to how youth grow into better, active and smoot... Continue Reading
The Problem of poor and inadequate social amenities at the local government areas has made some people to call for their scrapping. But these local governments often complain of inadequate revenue. This study assessed revenue available to Borgu and Mokwa local government areas of Niger state and the social amenities they provided between 2007 and 2... Continue Reading
External auditors conduct an independent examination of a firm‟s financial statements, records and supporting documents and give opinion about the truth and fairness of the reports, and that the report is free from material misstatements and errors. While, this can be considered as a good control mechanism for ensuring the quality of corporat... Continue Reading
This study is designed to assess the impact of managerial constructs on SMEs performance in Bauchi state. Managerial performance was measured on three managerial constructs: entrepreneurial characteristics, organizational configuration and task environmental scanning. Entrepreneurial Characteristics in terms of achievement motivation, locus of cont... Continue Reading
The study Perceived relationship between employee satisfaction, customer satisfaction and Banks performance in Nigeria. Despite many policies put in place to enhance workers’ satisfaction and productivity, leading to customer satisfaction, and to possibly stamp out unethical practices in the banking sector especially, there are symptoms of s... Continue Reading
The main thrust of Basel II framework is to ensure that banks maintain adequate liquidity and higher capital buffers that will match their operations in the course of financial intermediation. In spite of this thrust, unanimity does not exist among bankers, financial regulators, scholars and researchers on the ability of Basel II to prevent future ... Continue Reading
This study was designed to identify and examine girl-child education and its challenges in Kagarko and SabonGari Local Government Areas of Kaduna state. The main objectives of the study are: to ascertain the level of girl-child education; to evaluate the contributions of the study areas towards girl-child; to identify and discuss challenges of girl... Continue Reading
Taraba State is characterized with alarming poverty/unemployment rate where 65.8% in every 4-6 persons and 81.5% in over 7 persons is said to be poor in 2009-2010, unemployment was at 26.8% in 2009, 24.7% in 2010 and 12.7 in 2011 respectively considering its high level of natural and human endowments. In many parts of the state most especially the ... Continue Reading
The competitive nature of the business environment today, demands that, the power sector of the country must be up and doing in order to meet the ever increasing demand by customers. One vital way to succeed is for the National Electric Power Authority to strategically stabilize power supply and improve upon its marketing strategies. Marketing conc... Continue Reading
Funding is essential for businesses and has been given prominence in corporate finance. It ensures financial flexibility which is fundamental and necessary for firms in Nigeria to operate. The broad objective of the study was to examine the effects of firm characteristics on the financial performance of quoted non-financial firms in Nigeria. The sc... Continue Reading
This study focuses on the relationship between agriculture and economic development and how agriculture has contributed to economic development of Soba Local Government area.In order to achieve this, we adopted survey research method where we obtained data from primary sources using the instruments of questionnaire backed by interviews while second... Continue Reading
The Nigerian Institute of Transport Technology according to its management has been experienced the problem of inadequate funding since established. This shows that the funds allocated to the Institute is not adequate to engage in any meaningful research work and to develop technologic id and managerial skills in transportation. But this statement ... Continue Reading
This study was structured to assess the impact of e-based banking transactions on customer satisfaction at First Bank Plc. In doing this, the following null and alternative hypothesis was formulated; that e-transaction has made negative impact on customer satisfaction (H0) while the alternative hypothesis (H1) is that e-transaction has made positiv... Continue Reading
The study entitled â€�“Impact Assessment of Disciplinary measures on staff performance in Kaduna State Water Board Zaria, City District and Sunseed Nigeria Limited was informed by the concern on the negative trends of staff indiscipline and failure to effectively apply disciplinary measures and procedures, particularly in the public organizatio... Continue Reading