Sugar generally has been described as an international commodity that has become the economic base of some developing countries (Wohlgenant 2008). Countries like Mauritius, Jamaica, and Sudan among others have gained enormous economic benefits like employment generation, increase in living standard of the citizenry from brown sugar processing, thus... Continue Reading
While small scale industries any where have the cronic problom of lack of adequato capital and credit f a c i l i t i e s for sustaining t h e i r growth and development, they are also characterized by lack of proper strategies for their survival and v i a b i l i t y. In view of those problems which endures because they are never completely resolv... Continue Reading
While small scale industries any where have the cronic problom of lack of adequato capital and credit f a c i l i t i e s for sustaining t h e i r growth and development, they are also characterized by lack of proper strategies for their survival and v i a b i l i t y. In view of those problems which endures because they are never completely resolv... Continue Reading
While it is generally accepted that small-scale industries have a very vital role in the economic and industrial development of any nation, yet the financing of these industries especially in a developing country like Nigeria; and a newly created Bauchi State in particular, has always been difficult. The objective of this study is to investigate th... Continue Reading
This thesis aims to assess the general performance of the Directorate of Food Roads and Rural Infrastructure (DFRRI) in Soba Local Government. Area of Kaduna State from 1986 - 1990. Primary data were obtained using designed questionnaires, while secondary data were obtained from Government publications, relevant text books and research works, Journ... Continue Reading
This research study is on "An Assessment of the Performance of the Staff Training Scheme, Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria (1989 - 1999)". The researcher is interested in finding out how the Staff Training Scheme has been able to accomplish its statutory functions. More specifically, the researcher is concerned with: - i) finding out how training pro... Continue Reading
The significant role agriculture plays cannot be underestimated in any nation. Apart from being the source of feeding of the populace, it also account for the source of income for other developmental activities. It is in line with these its fundamental role that this study make a giant stride to assess the contribution of Nigerian Agricultural Co-o... Continue Reading
This research work attempts mainly to asses the marketing strategies adoted and operated by multinational companies in the Nigerian oil industry. It Is the aim also of the work to test the relationship of these marketing strategies between the growth of the Nigerian economy and these international companies whether positive or negative . In so do... Continue Reading
Various development finance institutions were established to alleviate the major problem of finance that small-scale industries face. Inspite of the intervention of such finance institutions, the performance of most smallscale industries, especially manufacturing, is not encouraging. This may be as a result of funds not adequate to gear-up their pe... Continue Reading
THE ROLE OF ADVERTISING ON CONSUMER CHOICE: A CASE STUDY OF THE NIGERIAN CONTEMPORARY SITUATION. Advertising generally in the Nigeria situation as well as worldwide has played a very vital role in influencing the choice of consumer goods/services, but the Nigerian situation, because of her economy presents an interesting scenario for closer study. ... Continue Reading
The world in general is in an information age. Decision making now is based on large volumes of data. The computer has come to stay as the fastest and most efficient means of processing data. The micro-computer in particular has been enjoying wide acceptance. In Nigeria, it has become so popular that even very large organizations that generate larg... Continue Reading
MEASUREMENT OF PATTERNS OF ARTISTIC CREATIVE ABILITIES AMONG POST-PRIMARY STUDENTS IN KANO STATE BY JIBRIN BALA N.C.E., B.ED (HONS) CREATIVE ARTS, A.B.U The purpose of this study was to measure the patterns of artistic creative abilities of some selected post-primary students in Kano State. A total of two hundred and eighty four students (male and ... Continue Reading
It is important to note that there cannot be an academic setting without buildings. This fact was recognized and emphasized in the University Educational policy of the Third National Development Plan which recommended that physical projects in form of buildings should expand with the population increase of students and the staff members. Taking a c... Continue Reading
This work is an attempt to look at the marketing activities of UNT PLC Kaduna as a case study. The study is aimed at identifying those marketing problems that militate against the survival, successful and profitable operation of the company. We are faced with high cost of production today, the threat of recurring recession and inflation, and increa... Continue Reading
The marketing of financial services is a recent development in the banking industry. This has been necessitated as a result of the increase in the number of licensed banks which resulted in keener competition and the fall in the interest rate paid on deposits which has made saving unattractive. As a result, emphasis shifted to the quality of servic... Continue Reading