The pension scheme prior to reform was characterized by inadequate funding, remittance and delay in paying retirees their benefits. These and other related problems led to the introduction of the pension reform Act 2004 with the sole aim of addressing some of these problems. This study evaluates Perception of University Employees on the Impact of C... Continue Reading
Mergers and acquisition and other forms of business combinations have desirable strategic advantages. However, inherent in these business combinations are the fears of hampering employee job satisfaction which may prove to be traumatic especially for the employees of acquired firms; the impact can range from anger to depression which may result in ... Continue Reading
The role of corporate information releases in promoting market efficiency cannot be overstressed. Thus, the extent to which stock prices of a firm respond to the announcement of corporate events such as equity issues announcements has far reaching implication on the assessment such a firm receives from existing shareholders, prospective investors a... Continue Reading
This study examines the impact of Capital Market performance on economic growth of Nigeria for the period 1983 – 2010. Economic growth was proxied by gross domestic product while capital market performance was measured by market capitalization, total new issues, volume of transaction and listed equities. Data was collected using secondary so... Continue Reading
Reorganisation is a financial and corporate management strategic device to salvage undertakings facing difficulties. Ahmadu Bello University Press Limited had been sustaining substantial trading losses in the past and this led the management opting for reorganisation to salvage the company from total collapse. Eventually, after few years of the exe... Continue Reading
Despite strict rules and regulations governing firms in the financial system, it is not clear whether managers use opportunistic behaviour to report earnings. This study investigates the relationship between managerial characteristics and earnings quality of listed banks in Nigeria. The managerial characteristics variables used are: performance, ma... Continue Reading
This study examines the impact of redundancy on survivours in Nigerian banking industry as it continues to restructure and downsize its workforce. The extent of this on survivours can seriously affect their productivity and thus have an adverse effect on the Banks performance. This study is therefore predicated on the nude factors responsible for s... Continue Reading
Resistance to change by employees is a serious challenge confronting many organizations. Several factors have been suggested to explain why employees resist change at the workplace. Some of the factors include job autonomy, self-efficacy and transformational leadership. The main objective of this study is to determine the relationship between organ... Continue Reading
The problem of unresolved conflicts in organizations has become popular which has crippled the effective performance of organizations overtime. The National Research Institute for Chemical Technology (NARICT) and the Nigerian Institute of Transport Technology (NITT) Zaria which this study was based are not an exception to this development. Continue Reading
Advertising is a prominent feature of modern business operations. One could encounter advertising messages, while watching TV, reading magazines, listening to the radio, surfing the internet or even simply working down the street, as advertising has a stimulating influence on purchasing behavior of the consumers. Empirical evidence has proven that ... Continue Reading
There exists divergence of opinions in the literature on the relationship between Audit Committee characteristics and earnings management. The mix of opinions makes the direction of their relationship ambiguous. This study investigated the relationship between Audit Committee characteristics and earnings management of listed food and beverages Firm... Continue Reading
Financial statements audit is a monitoring mechanism that reduces agency problem between management and the stockholders, and protect the interest of other stakeholders. This critical role of external auditor promotes the quality of accounting information; however, there is a growing concern by the regulators, investors and the general public over ... Continue Reading
Globalisation, capital market crash and the Enron’scase led the accounting profession to insist on the need for a single set of high quality reporting standards. International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) were first adopted in 2005 by EU countries while Nigeria agreed to adopt in 2012. The question is: How does IFRS adoption improve ... Continue Reading
Project management is important component to local government councils functions, given the need to take governance to the grassroots. Projects are regularly executed by this level of government. However empirical evidences show that most local government councils incue huge financial losses and alienation of the citizenry due to poor project manag... Continue Reading
The research aimed at assessing the extent of the performance of the Nigerian stock exchange in the international market, to determine the extent to which the Nigerian stock exchange has performed in the international market, to examine the factors that smoothen or hinder the effective performance of the Nigerian stock exchange in the international... Continue Reading