Advertising and price are two variables that interplay to affect the buying decisions of consumers. While advertising informs consumers of product existence and its features, the cost associated with it can not be overlooked. This cost results in higher unit price for the product thereby creating "artificial" product differentiation. Consumers, on ... Continue Reading
The writer wrote his Intership report on the structure, organization and functions of the I n s t i t u te of Education Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria. The purpose of the Intership was to f u l f i l one of the requirements for the award of Master of Education Degree in Educational Planning and Administration by Faculty of Education Ahmadu Bello U... Continue Reading
We live in an age which is full of uncertainty. It is the setting of this nature that planning is of importance in the management of any organization. Due to the pervasiveness and complexity of job, management needs all the assistance available for preparation and implementation. A budget being a quantitative and monetary expression of the plan, se... Continue Reading
This project is in respect of the Investment of Insurance company funds - A case study of Leadway Assurance Company Ltd was used to elucidate the importance and the reasons why an Insurance company should invest their accumulated funds for their growth and the subsequent economic development in the country. The operations of Insurance companies c... Continue Reading
This research is title �“The Application of Linear Programming in the Projection of Profits for a Private Telecommunication Operatorâ€Â�. (A Case Study of Intercellular Nigeria Limited). The research focuses on how profit can be projected either through the product mix decision of cost minimization or profit maximization. Information on ... Continue Reading
This study evaluates the effect of consolidation on the efficiency of banks in Nigeria and also examines the effect of consolidation on the size/spread of loans advanced by banks and on the profitability of intermediation of banks in Nigeria. The study used a period of six years from 2003 to 2008 comprising three years pre and post consolidation pe... Continue Reading
This project involved the study of Kaduna Refining and Petrochemical Company Limited (KRPC) with respect to the impact of current economic policies on the profitabilitx of Government commercialised enterprises. The study is aimed at providing useful information on KRPC to its Management and Bureau for Public Enterprises (BPE) as well as lid gover... Continue Reading
This study is on The Impact of Public Corporations on National Development, using the Kaduna Refining and Petrochemical Company Limited (K.R.P.C) as a case study. The evaluation was undertaken by using some selected objectives of the company which include, the diversification of the national resources by increasing the value added to our crude ... Continue Reading
This study was undertaken to findout whether guided moral dilemma discussion method would enhance the moral judgement of youth offenders. The study sample was made up of 87 inmates of Borstal Institution in Kakuri - Kaduna. The sample was divided randomly into experimental and control groups. The experimental group subjects were presented with... Continue Reading
This is an empirical study on the impact of deregulation of interest rates on the stocks of banks quoted on the stockc exchange. Eight banks were examined, employing ratio analysis. Nine ratios and three trends wer employed. Of the eight banks four were quoted before interest rates were deregulated while four after. Profitability and shareholder r... Continue Reading
The introduction of Structural Adjustment Programme (SAP) with its instruments of implementation have brought about radical transformation of the Nigerian economy. These tools of SAP, aimed at correcting the imbalance inheren; in the economic system have had a profound influence on the manner and ability with which the banks carryout their activiti... Continue Reading
This research is on the impact of industrial and finance companies on economic development in Nigeria using the Kaduna Industrial and Finance Company, Limited as a case study. The research examines the activities of the company since its inception in 1977 as a machinery for economic development. The financial resources and the criteria applied by... Continue Reading
The banking industry in Nigeria came under the sway of market oriented policies in 1987 via the so-called policy of' Financial Deregulation' . A policy that ushered in a new monetary control regime - an indirect monetary regime. The impact of Deregulation manifested in different forms , some in dramatic fashion . Of great importance was that the ... Continue Reading
Fraud is generally defined as a criminal deception deliberately practiced to gain unlawful or unfair advantage to the detriment of others. Thus, Bank fraud refers to criminal deception, the use of false representations to gain unjust financial advantage. This event usually leaves a client in the image of the bank and the staff on one hand and ... Continue Reading