High rate of unemployment is a bedeviling issue that seem to be taking the frontline in every public discuss on socioeconomic problems in Ekiti State; The reported unabated upsurge of unemployment in Ekiti State despite the measures put in place in the various aspects of agriculture through the Youth Commercial Agricultural Development (YCAD) progr... Continue Reading
Foreign scholarship programme is an important strategy for manpower capacity building and development. The Kano state government has sponsored over 2,000 indigenes on foreign scholarship with a view to enhancing human resource base of the state. The purpose of this study therefore is to evaluate the implementation of Kano state foreign scholarship ... Continue Reading
The importance of strong credit risk management for building quality loan portfolio is of paramount importance to performance of deposit money banks in Nigeria as well as overall economy. This study examined the effect of credit risk management on the market performance of listed deposit money banks in Nigeria. Panel data was used from a sample of ... Continue Reading
Rural development which is a component within the broader national development has remained a problem for both developed and developing countries. In order to achieve the desired rural development in the developing countries, there are proliferations of rural development strategies over the years, Nigeria inclusive. The objective of the study was t... Continue Reading
The study examines the impact of bank-specific factors (loan loss provision, capital adequacy ratio and loan to total asset ratio) and macroeconomic variables (exchange rate and crude oil prices) on nonperforming loans of listed deposit money bank in Nigeria. The study used secondary sources of data, which is panel data in nature, over the period 2... Continue Reading
The primary objective of this research work is to examine the National Council of Women Societies and International Federation of Women Lawyers contribution to women empowerment in the Federal Capital Territory, Edo and Kaduna states in Nigeria. The study contends that despite the emergence of various nongovernmental women organizations over the ye... Continue Reading
For decades, there have been a lot of complaints about the performance of local governments in terms of the quality of service delivery and the level of impacts of such services to the people at the grassroots level. The problem may be attributed to low level of autonomy enjoyed by the local governments, over the year or due to political and admini... Continue Reading
Leasing as a means of financing investments in tangible assets has made a significant contribution to capital formation in the Nigerian economy but the industry as a whole, seeks growth in conformity with the levels obtainable in developed economies. In spite of theoretical expositions on capital structure extensively acknowledging the nature and u... Continue Reading
This study examined the effect of firm characteristics on capital structure of listed oil and gas firms in Nigeria for the period 2006-2016. The listed oil and gas firms are ten (10) in numbers out of which a sample of eight (8) was used for the study. Firm characteristics as the independent variable were proxied by; profitability, firm growth, ass... Continue Reading
This paper assessed the effect of training and development on academic staff performance in Ahmadu Bello University Zaria. The study adopted KirkPatrick learning and evaluation theory which serve as a guide to understanding training and it effect on worker‟s performance. Primary data were collected from 297 respondents through the use of rand... Continue Reading
The study examined the Effect of Deposit Money Banks (DMBs) Specific Credit Supply Factors on Private Sector Credit Financing in Nigeria. The main objective of the study was to determine the long run effect of the DMBs Specific Credit Supply Factors on Private sector credit financing in Nigeria. The data used in the study was anannual secondary tim... Continue Reading
This paper assessed the effect of training and development on academic staff performance in Ahmadu Bello University Zaria. The study adopted KirkPatrick learning and evaluation theory which serve as a guide to understanding training and it effect on worker‟s performance. Primary data were collected from 297 respondents through the use of rand... Continue Reading
Contemporary educational theory holds that one of the major causes of inadequate school performance is the inability of schools to adequately staff classrooms with qualified teachers and this might not be unconnected with shortage of teachers. In Zaria Metropolis, records have shown increasing voluntary turnover of public secondary school teachers ... Continue Reading
The most crucial level of control in every organization is board of directors. However, the role of a diverse board on the financial performance of a firm can never be over emphasized. Diversity in terms of gender, foreign director and board composition (outside director) are expected to affect the advisory role of board of directors due to the div... Continue Reading
This study investigated the impact of corporate social responsibility practices on financial performance of listed deposit money banks in Nigeria. The study used generalized least square multiple regression to analyze the secondary data extracted from the annual reports and accounts of the fifteen15 sampled deposit money banks for the period of ten... Continue Reading