This study examines the principles of the implementation of the National Youth Development Policy (NYDP) at the local government level in Yobe State.Youth Development Policy (YDP), either written or oral, whether in the traditional societyor in contemporary societies involves plan of administration as to how youth grow into better, active and smooth adult. It is through literature on the topic that we trace the several initiatives on youth development and their paticipation in the community and societal activities.
The NYDP in Nigeria, mandated all states in the federation to make their action plans containing their ethics. Yobe State, carefully and separately enumerated its policy with laws, programs, and workers’ roles to agree with and comply with this mandate: youth clubs and associations, in this study, become the model of implementation of the affairs of the society.It is carried out by engaging the youth in societal activities.According to the Census of 2006, the youth constitute 3/5 of the Yobe State population. This studytracestheproblems that affectyouth activities,such as poverty and unemploymentwhicheffectsthe welfare of the youth. Basedon these problems,the study ofyouth development focuses its attention to solvethese problems.
The governmentthrough associations, and incollaboration with the societal ethic,tries to ensuresustainability and development of the youth both in and outside the school.The study, therefore, is pursued through monitoring & supervising youth policy laws, programs, schedule of duties that are attached with societal values andreflected in government strategies. The methods adopted in this study,is the survey designs.Through sample and sampling techniques,a total of 450 questionnaires were distributed,and fitted for analysis, other methodsused are the interview (conducted through focussed group discussion) and observation.
The output indicates that when youth are supported and encouraged they can make effective institutional transformation of a society andany neglect of the youth, by either parents or government,it can influence this segment of people (the youth) to the negative cause, societal havoc, which maylead to destructive consequences. The study recommends to youth workers, stakeholders and the society to appropriately enforced all laws effectively and programs to reflect the national youth developmentpolicy principlesin the local government areas of the study area (Yobe State).