Malaria remains the most devastating human parasitic infection in the world today. In Nigeria, malaria during pregnancy is responsible for 11% of maternal mortality. There is low coverage and utilization of IPT services in Nigeria. This study was undertaken to investigate the knowledge and utilization of IPT among pregnant women attending ANC in Ji... Continue Reading
Vitamins C and E are naturally present in some foods and are available as dietary supplements. While vitamin C is also known as L-ascorbic acid, vitamin E is a generic name for tocopherols and tocotrienols each with ?, ?, ? and ? subunits. Neurobehavioural models have been used to study behaviour in animals with models specific for each animal spec... Continue Reading
Routine Immunization coverage is generally low in several parts of Nigeria especially the northern region. It is even lower among people who live in hard to reach areas including nomads. Although the exact figures of RI coverage amongst the nomads are not available. There are many cultural/religious beliefs and also physical barriers such as distan... Continue Reading
The effects of vitamin C on some heamatological parameters and biomarkers of oxidative stress in albino wistar rats exposed to lead acetate over a short term (3 weeks) was investigated. Studies have revealed that lead has a wide range of health effects that can result from exposure, and that lead can cause health effects at blood lead levels previo... Continue Reading
Obesity, a state of hyperleptinemia and leptin resistance, may play a role in the aeitiopathogenesis of type 2 diabetes mellitus. Leptin hormone which was originally recognized for its role as a satiety factor has now been implicated in a wide variety of multisystem biological functions, including the regulation of glucose homeostasis. However, the... Continue Reading
Phoenix dactylifera (Date palm) belongs to the family Arecaceae and its leaves, barks, pits, fruits and pollens have anticancer, antioxidant, hepatoprotective, antidiabetic, anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, antifungal and antiviral activities. It is rich in antioxidants, vitamins, steroids, flavonoid, saponins and simple sugars.The aim of the stud... Continue Reading
Lawsonia inermis commonly known as henna has been used traditionally, especially in ayurvedic medicine, for various conditions including liver ailments, and reported to have hepatoprotective properties. This study aims to study the effect of aqueous extract of L. inermis leaves in acute ethanol induced hepatic damage in adult Wistar rats. Thirty (3... Continue Reading
Malaria is endemic in Nigeria with 97% of the population at risk. It accounts for 60% of outpatient visits and 30% of hospitalizations among children under five years of age in Nigeria. Indoor residual spraying (IRS) is one of the major strategies recommended by the World Health Organization (WHO) for malaria control in endemic populations. It play... Continue Reading
Asymptomatic malaria parasitaemia in pregnancy is a major public health challenge responsible for significant morbidity and mortality in endemic areas. In areas with stable malaria transmission like Nigeria, the vast majority of infections with Plasmodium falciparum in pregnancy remain asymptomatic, undetected and untreated with the attendant major... Continue Reading
Immunization is one of the safest and most effective interventions to prevent disease and early child death. Although, about three quarters of the world‘s child population is reached with the required vaccines, only half of the children in Sub-Saharan Africa get access to basic immunization. In Nigeria, only 10% of children in the North West geog... Continue Reading
Patient satisfaction is a personal evaluation of health care services provision. Clients who are not satisfied with health service may have worse outcomes. The potential number of people eligible for ART is set to increase in low and middle income countries and the private health sector has the capacity to meet this need. This study was conducted ... Continue Reading
Malaria infection during pregnancy is a major health problem with substantial risks for the mother, fetus and the neonate. In Nigeria, malaria contributes to an estimated 11% of maternal mortality. An estimated 65% of Nigeria’s population lives in poverty and poverty is a major factor affecting malaria prevention and treatment as it affects the a... Continue Reading
Preventive vaccination against rabies virus is a highly effective means for rabies prevention but some animals do not reach the minimal prevention threshold level for neutralizing antibodies. To assess sero-conversion among dogs that were given rabies vaccination in Kaduna metropolis of Kaduna State Nigeria, a quantitative indirect enzyme�“linked ... Continue Reading
Listeriosis is an emerging zoonoses requiring continuous surveillance in order to prevent outbreaks in humans. The disease can develop after consumption of a wide range of foods such as meat products, dairy products especially in ripened cheeses, delicatessen products, fish and seafood products and vegetables. It is a rare disease with high hospita... Continue Reading
Brucellosis is a zoonotic disease associated with significant morbidity leading to increased rates of spontaneous abortions in livestock and also poses a serious human health hazard. This study sought to determine the prevalence of brucellosis in sheep and goats kept in homes in Zaria town and also to assess the knowledge and practice, of the anima... Continue Reading