The study was designed to determine the relationship between maternal and neonatal anthropometric parameters among Hausas in Kano. Five hundred and twenty one subjects participated in the study. The anthropometric variables were measured using standard procedures. Pearson’s correlation and regression analyses were used to analyze the data using S... Continue Reading
This study was set to radiologically evaluate the normal posterior- Anterior chest radiographs of Gombe adults, which was undertaken using 500 chest radiographs that were reported normal by radiologist, males (n = 250 and mean age 43.38 � 16.55) and females (n = 250 and mean age 39.28 � 14.68). In males the mean length of left clavicles was 163.7... Continue Reading
The second to fourth digit ratio (2D:4D), is a sexually diamophic trait, with males on the average having lower ratios than females. 2D:4D is established in the uterus, therefore its found in fetus, children, and unaffected by puberty. It also appear to be universal across ethnic groups, and it exist in mammals and other primates. 2D:4D is positive... Continue Reading
Anaemia in pregnancy is a common problem in most developing countries and a major cause of morbidity and mortality especially in malaria endemic areas. In pregnancy, anaemia has a significant impact on the health of the foetus as well as that of the mother. 20% of maternal deaths in Africa have been attributed to anaemia. Anemia during pregnancy is... Continue Reading
Non-adherence to antihypertensive drugs is the most important cause of uncontrolled blood pressure. Uncontrolled blood pressure leads to the development of complications of hypertension. Hospital records at Federal Staff Hospitals (FSH) and Clinics, Abuja showed that hypertensive patients seen have been increasing on a yearly basis from January 201... Continue Reading
Snakebite is a significant cause of morbidity and mortality, with an annual incidence of about 497 cases per 100,000 populations, in Nigeria. Studies revealed that only about 8.5% Nigerian snakebite victims sought treatment in hospitals. The aim is to identify the factors associated with snakebite and assess the health seeking behavior among reside... Continue Reading
Clearing agents are among the most noxious and hazardous chemicals found in histology laboratories. Xylene has probably been the most commonly used chemical in the histology laboratory despite its hazards. There has been several laboratory tests to replace xylene as clearing agent but most of these commercially available substitutes in some cases a... Continue Reading
Effects of a flavor enhancer, monosodium glutamate (MSG) was evaluated in female albino rats during the gestational period. Thirty two rats were divided into 4 equal groups (each having 8 rats), Group I, control; Group II, treated with 6 g/kg/day of MSG, Group III, treated group with 8 g/kg/day and Group IV received 10 g/kg/day of MSG. Different do... Continue Reading
The relationship between anthropometry, body composition and reproductive characteristics in women has been a subject of interest currently for biological anthropologists. The study investigates the relationship between anthropometry, body composition and menstrual characteristics of women from Kaduna and Rivers State of Nigeria. Participants were ... Continue Reading
Prevention of mother to child transmission (PMTCT ) of HIV still remains a useful tool of fight against the transmission of HIV virus from mother to child, and early infants diagnosis, confers substantial benefit to HIV infection and HIV infected infants, and also programmes providing prevention of mother to child transmission. The aim of the study... Continue Reading
Cytomegalo virus is a ubiquitious virus, it presents an asymtomatic infection in the immunocompetent host, but in an immunocompromised patients it causes morbidity and sometimes mortality in these types of patients.This study investigates cytomegalovirus IgG among cancer patients attending Ahmadu Bello University Teaching Hospital, Zaria. A total o... Continue Reading
This study on formalin based combination fixatives was carried out in the Department of Pathology ABUTH Zaria Nigeria a training institution located in the North West region of Nigeria that offers specialist medical services and processes about 3000 to 4000 samples yearly in its pathology laboratory. The study was aimed at identifying a potentially... Continue Reading
The analysis of Digito Palmar Dermatoglyphics Pattern in Ubang clan of Cross River State, Nigeria, aimed at determining the true dermatoglyphics patterns of the Ubangs and establish if there is a language variation amongst the gender in the community. Seven research objectives were spelt-out and three research questions asked which serve as a guide... Continue Reading
Information on the anatomical studies of the endocrine glands of the indigenous one-humped camel in Northern Nigeria is scarce, and the fact that these endocrine glands may be involved in the mechanisms of adaptation to hostile environment through which it survives for long periods without food and water in the arid zones. Thirty (30) one-humped ca... Continue Reading
The comparative study of cephalometric indices among the Igede and Idoma ethnic groups of Benue State was undertaken due to lack of adequate cephalometry among Nigerians. The anthropometric characteristics of 425 apparently normal adults of ages 17 �“ 40 years of Igede and Idoma ethnic extractions of Benue State, Nigeria with no physical deformiti... Continue Reading