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a study of job prospects of secretaries in some selected business organisation in enugu state

In this study, the objective of all objectives of the researcher is to study the job prospects of secretaries in some selected business organization in Enugu State. In cause of our study, we are able to study these business organizations in Enugu. They are: ANAMMCO NIGERIA PLC, ENUGU UNILVER NIGERIA PLC ENUGU NIGERIA BREWERIES ENUGU Continue Reading

Secretarial Studies

a study of effects of frustration on nigerian secretaries


This research project tends to scrutinize the effect of frustration on Nigerian Secretaries. This is because Nigerian Coal Corporation Enugu faces some problems like denial of qualified privileges like pay rat and office working facilities. Continue Reading

Secretarial Studies

a study of an analysis of the occupational schedules for secretaries in the anambra state civil service

This study was undertaken as a result of what appears to be the attitude of some typist and stenographers towards acting as personal secretaries in Amabra State civil service. This occupational schedule for personal secretariesâ€Â� in Anambra state civil service. Continue Reading

Secretarial Studies

a comprehensive review of the factors that improve the advancement of secretaries in business organizations


It has been observed that the secretarial profession is becoming less popular in recent times. Various schools of thought have trend to offer explanations to this ugly trend. Some attributed it to the nature of this profession, others through that it has to do with the executive who is always bossing the secretary. Continue Reading

Secretarial Studies

a comparative study of secretarial profession in nigeria yesterday and today


This study aimed at comparing secretarial profession of yesterday and today. The problem observed in the study was that there is need to examine the productivity an deficiency of secretaries of yesterday years ad today. The need for this comparison is justified by the fact that the modern business environment is one place that has witnessed vario... Continue Reading

Secretarial Studies

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