The basic aim of the design and construction of this three phase automatic phase selector is to demonstrate how contactors can be used to switch in between three lines or phases e.g â€�“RED, YELLOW AND THE BLUE PHASEâ€Â� without interfering with the contacts. Continue Reading
This is the design and construction of an Automatic Phase Selector. In the construction work, LM324 integrated circuit (comparator) and 2N2222 transistors were used as active components alongside other passive components. The circuit components were mounted on a Vero board. Result shows that, when the three phase A.C inputs: Red phase (P1), yellow ... Continue Reading
All modern engineering system includes certain aspects of control system at some point in their broadcast scenes, control engineering and the associated theory are concerned with the means of making system to behave in a desired may. The system on this thesis is a DC – AC inverter which is an apparatus used in the conversion of direct cur... Continue Reading
The project work titled Design and construction of a metal detector. When fully design and implemented would be able to detect any metallic material that is passing or coming close. This function would serve as a security check for dangerous metallic material as an alarm. Going by the sophisticated means of armed rubbers adopt these days in the bre... Continue Reading
The aim of this project is to construct power amplifier. The system is expected to amplify. The major components in the circuit is the integrated circuit (IC JRE with some circuit elements for the normal operation of the circuit. Continue Reading
The vehicle system control using telemetry application is all about using a radio wave to control and activate certain events such as the car horn, car head light, car ignition (starter) and car air conditioner etc. Continue Reading
A battery charger is an electrical device employed for charging batteries. This batteries that are usually charged by battery changer are the storage battery charger are the storage batteries also known as â€�“accumulatorâ€Â� the battery changer changes. The alternating current form the power line into d.c suitable for charging. Continue Reading
Fire detection system are safety system. They monitor rooms and buildings continuously for indication of fire outbreak and give alarm directly if one occurs. Continue Reading
This project report is a thesis written specifically to cover the design analysis construction, test and packaging of a multipurpose security system from electric component that can be easily be obtainable from the market. Continue Reading
Due to inconsistent supply of power, there is a growing need for an alternative source of power supply. This has lead to heavy capital investment in a bid to suppress power failure and ensure regular power supply for the industry, hospitals, schools and homes. The problem of power failure can be checkmated with the use of stand-by generating set. Continue Reading
Despite all attempt of the federal government to have not only an uninterrupted power supply for all cities in Nigeria, but a voltage that is inconformity with the recommended 220/230v for domestic consumption for example. The NEPA Plc is facing some difficulties in generating, transmitting and distributing the required voltage stabilizer, which c... Continue Reading
High power amplifier are usually quite costly and usually beyond the easy reach of most audio enthusiastic (and Hi-Fi buffs) who then have to remain satisfied with those small 6 watt amplifiers. Well, with this introduction to us and to electronics, things should change. Well this low cost Hi-Fi amplifier that delivers ear chatting and thundering ... Continue Reading
The intruder alarm system was designed and build in order to let the industrial and commercial company know how important alarm system is all about. These can be of Good help if the intruder will look through this project and support for the development of this project as to let the Federal Government know that the young engineering of today can pr... Continue Reading
Wireless power transfer (WPT) is an important topic nowadays. Although WPT has been known for more than a century, only now has the WPT industry started its rapid growth. The number of publications on wireless power has increased by at least 1200% in the last 10 years [9,2]. Current solutions are having great success in the marketplace with diffusi... Continue Reading
An audio AMP is basically a system which is used as a means of increasing the level of sound or audio signals for maximum use. A public address system consists basically of microphone, Amplifier and speaker(s) to facilitate the communication to intelligible speech to groups of people or an audience. The main purpose of providing sound reinforcem... Continue Reading