SNo Contents Page No
Abstract…………………………………………………… iv
Declaration………………………………………………… v
1 Introduction…………………………………………………1
2 Block diagram and its description - - - - - - - 2
21 Basic block diagram…………………………… - 2
22 Block diagram description……………………… 3
3 Component used-Part A……………………………………6
31 Voltage Regulator………………………………6
32 NE555 Timer………………………………… - 10
33 Rectifier…………………………………………18
4 Circuit Description…………………………………………23
41 Transmission circuit…………………………… 23
42 Receiver circuit…………………………………24
5 Hardware Design and description……………………… - 26
6 Circuit Description-Part B…………………………………28
61 TSOP1738 …………………………………… - 28
62 555……………………………………………… - 29
63 LTS542(7 Segment Display)…………………… - 31
64 LM7805(Voltage Regulator) ……………………32
65 Relay Circuit………………………………………33
66 Capacitor…………………………………………33
67 Diode………………………………………………35
68 Resistor……………………………………………38
69 Light Emitting Diode …………………………… - 40
610 Printing Circuit Board ……………………………
7 Flow Chart…… ……………………………………………49
8 Testing & Result…………………………………………… 51
9 Future Scope……………………………………………… - 52
10 Applications…………………………………………………53
11 References……………………………………………………54
S No Figure Name Page No
1 Block Diagram of Visitor Counter ………………………………2
2 Pin Diagram Of 74LS192 …………………………………………4
3 NE 555Timer …………………………………………………… - 10
4 555 In Bistable Mode ……………………………………………14
5 Standard 555 astable Circuit …………………………………… - 15
6 Full-wave rectifier using a center tap transformer ……………… - 19
7 Full-wave rectifier, with vacuum tube …………………………20
8 Disassembled automobilealternator ………………………………22
9 Three-phase full-wave bridge rectifier circuit ……………………23
10 Transmitter circuit ……………………………………………… - 24
11 Receiver circuit ……………………………………………… - …26
12 Snapshot of the entire circuit ……………………………………28
13 Infrared Sensor ………………………………………………… - 29
14 Block Diagram of TSOP 1738 ……………………………………29
15 Timer IC(555) ……………………………………………………29
16 Segment ……………………………………………………………31
17 Voltage Regulator …………………………………………………32
18 Relay ………………………………………………………………33
19 A diode's I–V characteristic ………………………………………35
20 LEDs ………………………………………………………………37
21 FLOW CHART ………………………………………………,,,…49