Onion is an important vegetable crop in Nigeria grown in both wet and dry seasons though it fetches higher profit when cultivated in the dry season. The crop yield is limited by some production constraints, notable of which is the „Danzazzalau‟ disease in Kebbi State. Fungi isolated from infected pseudostem and roots of onion were Fusa... Continue Reading
Germplasm diversity analysis and characterization provides the foundation for crop improvement programme. This work has used morphologicaland molecular tools to study diversityand characterizeMoringa oleifera. Continue Reading
Pedogenic properties of plinthic (laterite) soils developed on two parent materials; basement complex and basaltic rock in Northern Guinea Savannah, Nigeria were studied with a view to determine the influence of composition and quantity of the soil (plinthite) as a raw material for the construction industry. Continue Reading
A field experiment was conducted during the wet seasons of 2013 and 2014 at the research farm Institute for Agricultural research, Samaru (11 11N 7 38 E 686m above sea level) in the northern Guinea savanna and the Experimental farm of Hassan Usman Katsina Polytechnic, Katsina (12 56 N, 7 36 E 465m above sea level) in the Sudan savanna ecology of Ni... Continue Reading
An experiment was conducted in two stages. The first stage was to investigate the effect of soaking duration on the proximate composition and anti-nutritional factors (ANFs) of soybean (Glycine max (L.) Merril), while the second stage was to evaluate the performance of Friesian x Bunaji calves fed different ratios of soy:cow milk. In stage one of t... Continue Reading
Groundnut (Arachis hypogeaa L.) productivity in Nigeria has remained low over the years due to the inherent low fertility status of the soils of the savanna, a region where it is mostly grown by small holder farmers with limited imputs. Groundnut can fix atmospheric nitrogen through symbiotic association with native rhizobia but unfortunately, the... Continue Reading
Pedogenic properties of plinthic (laterite) soils developed on two parent materials; basement complex and basaltic rock in Northern Guinea Savannah, Nigeria were studied with a view to determine the influence of composition and quantity of the soil (plinthite) as a raw material for the construction industry. Four pedons were dug on each parent mat... Continue Reading
An experiment was conducted to determine the effect of soil moisture deficit (stress), soil compaction and nitrogen sources on performance of soybean. The trial was conducted in two phases; the first was a screen-house experiment in the Department of Soil Science, Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria while the second was a field trial at the University ... Continue Reading
The study aimed at evaluating the effects of inclusion levels and feeding frequencies of shea nut cake on the growth performance, nutrient digestibility, nitrogen balance, haematological, blood serum and economics of Yankasa rams production. Twenty-four rams averaging 16.4kg were randomly assigned to four treatment diets containing 0, 2.5, 5 and 7... Continue Reading
This study assessed the profitability of swine production in Akwa Ibom State, Nigeria. Three specific objectives, three research questions and two null hypotheses were stated for the study. The population for the study consisted of 4,003 registered swine farmers in Akwa Ibom State (Uyo branch). Continue Reading
The study examines economic analysis of vegetable production and its contribution to household poverty alleviation. Multistage sampling technique was employed to collect primary data using structured questionnaire from 240 respondents for telferia 78, waterleaf 87, and garden egg 75 respectively from 12 villages (communities) from 6 local governmen... Continue Reading
Viruses have been reported to be one of the factors hindering sweet potato production. Sweet potato feathery mottle virus and Sweet potato chlorotic stunt virus were first reported in Ibadan Nigeria. These were reported and found to be responsible for the severe Sweet potato virus disease (SPVD). These viruses had been reported to cause yield reduc... Continue Reading
Cassava mosaic virus is said to occur in all growing areas in Africa and a substantive land area is devoted to cassava in Kano and Katsina State of Nigeria. There is also the need to investigate if Cassava congo sequivirus recently reported in Kaduna and Sokoto States occurs in the States. Continue Reading
The absorptive nature of S by plants depends on desorption of S from soils. Understanding the kinetics desorption of sulphate as influenced by parent materials and biochar is critical for effective precision of S diagnosis and fertilization recommendations to ensure sustainable and profitable crop production and environmental protection. Continue Reading
This study investigated micro-credit utilization and its impact on farmers‘ maize output and household food security in Kaduna State. The specific objectives of the study were to describe and compare the socio-economic characteristics of beneficiaries and non-beneficiaries of microcredit; investigate and compare productivity efficiency of th... Continue Reading