This project attempt was made of evaluate the performance of social responsibility of Nigeria firm in effort to satisfy the demand of host community towards provision of basic amenities. Also managers attitudes towards performance of social responsibilities is also analyzed. We pen scoped the short coming of social responsibilities performance whic... Continue Reading
The aim of the project is to provide information to the public on the �“effect of bank failure in Nigeriaâ€Â� it is geared towards bringing to light some of the activities or services rendered by the banking industry bank failure causes and the effect to it. The project is made up of five chapters. Continue Reading
Companies’ revenue and profit have been adversely affected by the ever-increasing incidence of industrial conflicts between workers and management in recent times. Each time there is a conflict, most likely strike ensues thereby giving rises to manna-day hours lost which brings about loss in productivity. This has really been a problem in th... Continue Reading
This study seeks to enhance the understanding of the concept of management audit as an aid for effective management. The management auditor’s role in the evaluation of management performance cannot be over emphasized.rn Just as change has compulsory challenge to management, so also the problem of change gives new and unparalleled opportunitie... Continue Reading
This topic of this study is the investigation into the problems of personnel management and its effect on workers productivity in some selected business organisations in Aguata Local Government Area. personnel management has taken up a very wide dimension in the company managerial scope. The position of personnel manager or personnel management has... Continue Reading
Contribution of Business support system in entrepreneurial has highlighted its contribution of business support of small scale business and has helped to trance productivity, increase self reliance and employment opportunities. Support systems like, the Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN), Nigeria bank for commerce and industry (NBC) National Director... Continue Reading
This study empirically investigates the impact of state agencies and industry regulations on the quality of accounting practice in Nigeria. A two stage approach in which the first stage was complemented by the second stage was adopted in carrying out the study. First, the study adopted a survey approach in which data were collected from use... Continue Reading
At the close of 2009 the total market value of 266 securities listed on the Nigerian Stock market dropped by 26.5% resulting mainly from share price losses. In effect the crux of this work was to investigate share price determination and corporate firm characteristics in a view to critically examine the significant effect corporate firm ... Continue Reading
The researcher’s mind on the topic, �“The impact of the Capital market on the Nigerian Economy with emphasis on the role of the Nigerian Stock Exchangeâ€Â� was captured when a similar topic was discussed at a seminar organized by the Bureau for Public Enterprise (BPE) to conscientize and sensitize Nigerian people to accept the... Continue Reading
This research project is aimed at studying the impact of automated accounting system on the payroll preparation in large organisations selected from both Lagos and Ota.In an attempt to study the impact of automated accounting system on payroll preparation; data were collected through administration of questionnaires to various large organisations l... Continue Reading
Conventional approaches of cost accounting have become inadequate because they have ignored important environmental costs and activities impacting consequences on the environment. Corporate neglect and avoidance of environmental costing have left gap of financial incompleteness and absence of fair view of financial information reporting to users... Continue Reading
This study investigates the relationship that exists between corporate governance and firm performance of some selected companies listed on the Nigerian Stock Exchange. The intent of the study is to determine whether corporate governance mechanisms- CEO duality, board size audit committee independence, and ownership concentration have an impact... Continue Reading
An international wave of mergers and acquisitions has swept the banking industry as boundaries between financial sectors and products have blurred dramatically. There is therefore the need for countries to have sound resilient banking systems with good corporate governance, which will strengthen and upgrade the institution to survive in an ... Continue Reading
Environmental issues have emerged in recent decades as a major aspect of the discussion of the problems of economic growth and development. Environmental problems associated with industrial activities in the final decades of the last century have heightened public concerns about the non-financial performance of corporations and increased pres... Continue Reading