

Presented To

Department of Accounting


The researcher’s mind on the topic, â€�“The impact of  the Capital market on the Nigerian Economy with emphasis on the role of the Nigerian Stock Exchangeâ€Â� was captured when a similar topic was discussed at a seminar organized by the Bureau for Public Enterprise (BPE) to conscientize and sensitize Nigerian people to accept the privatization programme. The organizers sought to expose how highly underutilized the Nigerian Stock market is and what individuals and Corporations would gain in patronizing the market. They also compared the operations and volume of transactions with other emerging stock markets in the world. The research work is basically, all about assessing the extent of the impact of the capital market on the socio-economic development of this country and an in-depth search into ways of improving upon the operations of the Nigerian Stock Exchange. In his findings, the researcher noted (among other things) that there was under utilization of the Stock Exchange market due to poor enlightenment campaign, and lack of transparency and accountability on the part of the operators of the market. In the conclusion, the researcher admitted that the future prospects of the exchange market is still bright but emphasized that the operators of the market must engender accountability and transparency as this will go a long way to re-installing much desired confidence in the investing public and guarantee the market’s future development.

Title Page -- -- --. -- -- -- -- -- -- i
Certification -- -- --. --. - -- -- -- -- ii
Dedication -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- iii
Acknowledgement -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- iv
Abstract ---- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- v
List of Figure ---- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- vi
List of Tables -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- vii
Table of Contents -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- vi

1.1 Background of the Study -- -- -- -- -- -- 1
1.1.1 Evolution of the Capital Market -- -- -- -- --  3
1.2 Statement of the Research Problems ---- -- -- 7
1.3 Objective of the Study -- -- -- -- -- -- 8
1.4 Research Question -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 8
1.5 Research Hypothesis -- -- -- -- -- -- 9
1.6 Significance of the Study -- -- -- -- -- -- 10
1.7 Scope of the Study -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 10
1.8 Limitation of the Study -- -- -- -- -- -- 11
1.9 Definition of Terms -- .. -- -- -- -- -- 12
References -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 14

2.1 Wall Street â€" Where It All Began -- -- -- -- 15
2.2 The Nigerian Capital Market -- -- -- -- -- 16
2.3 The Role of the Nigerian Capital Market ---- -- -- 17
2.3.1 The Pooling Function -- -- -- -- -- -- 19
2.3.2 Facilitating Capital Formation -- -- -- -- -- 19
2.3.3 Risk Reduction Function -- -- -- -- -- -- 20
2.4 The concept of the Nigeria Stock Exchange -- --  -- 20
2.5 The Nigerian Stock Exchange Market -- -- -- 23
2.5.1 Membership of the Nigerian Stock Exchange --  -- 24
2.5.2 Functions and Importance of the Nigerian Stock Exchange 25
2.6 Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) -- --  27
2.6.1 Duties and Functions of the Securities
and Exchange Commission -- -- -- -- -- 28
2.7 The Impact of the NSE Crisis on the Nigerian Capital Market 29
2.8 The Stock Exchange in Operation -- -- -- -- 34
2.8.1 The Primary Market -- -- -- -- -- -- 34
2.8.2 Evaluation of the Nigerian Stock Exchange --  -- -- 39
2.8.3 The Daily Stock Summary -- -- -- -- -- 41
2.9 Problems Associated with the Nigerian Stock Exchange -- 47
References -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 50

3.1 Introduction - -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 51
3.2 Research Design -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 51
3.3 Sources of Data -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 52
3.3.1 Primary Data -- --. -- -- -- -- -- -- 52
3.3.2 Secondary Data -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 53
3.4 Method of Data Collection -- -- -- -- -- -- 53
3.4.1 Reasons for using the Aforementioned Methods  -- -- 53
3.5 Determination of Population Size -- -- -- -- 54
3.6 Sample Procedure -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 54
3.7 Methods of Administering Questionnaires -- --  -- 55
3.8 Decision Rule -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 55
References ---- -- -- -- -- -- -- 57

4.1 Introduction -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 58
4.2 Presentation and Analysis of Responses from Questionnaire 59
4.3 Analysis of Interview -- -- -- -- -- -- 80


5.1 Summary of Findings -- -- -- -- -- 86
5.2 Conclusion -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 87
5.3 Recommendations -- -- --. -- -- -- -- 88
Bibliography -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 90
Appendix â€" Questionnaire -- -- -- -- -- 91

Figure 2.1:  Stock Exchange in Operation -- -- -- -- 23
Figure 2.2: The Functional Relationship of the NSEC within the New Issues market ---- -- -- -- 36
Figure 2.3:  The Functional Relationship of the Stock Exchange
within the Secondary Market ---- -- -- 38

Table of 2.1: Impact of the Loss of Investors Confidence in the
Nigeria Capital Market ---- -- -- -- 32
Table 2.8.3:The Daily Stock Summary -- -- -- -- 41
Table 4.1:  Identify your Sex? -- -- -- -- -- -- 60
Table 4.2:  What is your Occupation? -- -- -- -- --. 61
Table 4.3:  Are you Aware of the Existence of the Nigeria
Stock Exchange? -- -- -- -- -- -- 62
Table 4.4:  How Familiar are you with the Operations of
the Nigerian Stock Exchange -- -- -- -- 63
Table 4.5:  Are you Aware of the Aims and Functions of
the Nigeria Stock Exchange? -- -- -- -- 64
Table 4.6:  If No 5 is yes, do you make use of the Exchange? --65
Table 4.7:  Where do you (Corporation, Individuals and
Government) raise your Fund? -- -- -- -- 66
Table 4.8: Why Prefer the Bank as an Outlet? -- -- -- 67
Table 4.9:  Has the Nigerian Stock Exchange contributed
Significantly to the Development of the Economy? --  68
Table 4.10: Are you Satisfied with the level of Development in
the stock Exchange Market? -- -- -- -- 69
Table 4.11:  Are you satisfied with the Pricing Policy? -- -- -- 73
Table 4.12:Are you Aware of the Introduction of a Computerized
System of Clearing Settlement and Delivery of Trade
Transaction, the (CSCS)? -- -- -- -- -- 74
Table 4.13: What is the Movement of Share Prices since the
Introduction of Central Security Clearing System? -- 75
Table 4.14: Are you aware of the introduction of the Automated
Trading System (ATS), through which stockbrokers
can trade from their offices and homes? -- -- 76
Table 4.15: If your answer to 17 is yes, do you think the
Automated Training System (ATS) will enhance
the operations of the Stock Exchange? -- -- -- 77
Table 4.16: How can you Assess the Impact of Information
Technology (internet services) vis-à-vis the
operations of the Nigeria Stock Exchange? -- -- 78

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