Title Page -- -- --. -- -- -- -- -- -- i
Certification -- -- --. --. - -- -- -- -- ii
Dedication -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- iii
Acknowledgement -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- iv
Abstract ---- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- v
List of Figure ---- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- vi
List of Tables -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- vii
Table of Contents -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- vi
CHAPTER ONE: INTRODUCTION 1.1 Background of the Study -- -- -- -- -- -- 1
1.1.1 Evolution of the Capital Market -- -- -- -- -- 3
1.2 Statement of the Research Problems ---- -- -- 7
1.3 Objective of the Study -- -- -- -- -- -- 8
1.4 Research Question -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 8
1.5 Research Hypothesis -- -- -- -- -- -- 9
1.6 Significance of the Study -- -- -- -- -- -- 10
1.7 Scope of the Study -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 10
1.8 Limitation of the Study -- -- -- -- -- -- 11
1.9 Definition of Terms -- .. -- -- -- -- -- 12
References -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 14 CHAPTER TWO: REVIEW OF THE RELATED LITERATURE
2.1 Wall Street â€" Where It All Began -- -- -- -- 15
2.2 The Nigerian Capital Market -- -- -- -- -- 16
2.3 The Role of the Nigerian Capital Market ---- -- -- 17
2.3.1 The Pooling Function -- -- -- -- -- -- 19
2.3.2 Facilitating Capital Formation -- -- -- -- -- 19
2.3.3 Risk Reduction Function -- -- -- -- -- -- 20
2.4 The concept of the Nigeria Stock Exchange -- -- -- 20
2.5 The Nigerian Stock Exchange Market -- -- -- 23
2.5.1 Membership of the Nigerian Stock Exchange -- -- 24
2.5.2 Functions and Importance of the Nigerian Stock Exchange 25
2.6 Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) -- -- 27
2.6.1 Duties and Functions of the Securities
and Exchange Commission -- -- -- -- -- 28
2.7 The Impact of the NSE Crisis on the Nigerian Capital Market 29
2.8 The Stock Exchange in Operation -- -- -- -- 34
2.8.1 The Primary Market -- -- -- -- -- -- 34
2.8.2 Evaluation of the Nigerian Stock Exchange -- -- -- 39
2.8.3 The Daily Stock Summary -- -- -- -- -- 41
2.9 Problems Associated with the Nigerian Stock Exchange -- 47
References -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 50 CHAPTER THREE: RESEARCH METHODOLOGY
3.1 Introduction - -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 51
3.2 Research Design -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 51
3.3 Sources of Data -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 52
3.3.1 Primary Data -- --. -- -- -- -- -- -- 52
3.3.2 Secondary Data -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 53
3.4 Method of Data Collection -- -- -- -- -- -- 53
3.4.1 Reasons for using the Aforementioned Methods -- -- 53
3.5 Determination of Population Size -- -- -- -- 54
3.6 Sample Procedure -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 54
3.7 Methods of Administering Questionnaires -- -- -- 55
3.8 Decision Rule -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 55
References ---- -- -- -- -- -- -- 57
4.1 Introduction -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 58
4.2 Presentation and Analysis of Responses from Questionnaire 59
4.3 Analysis of Interview -- -- -- -- -- -- 80
RECOMMENDATIONS. 5.1 Summary of Findings -- -- -- -- -- 86
5.2 Conclusion -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 87
5.3 Recommendations -- -- --. -- -- -- -- 88
Bibliography -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 90
Appendix â€" Questionnaire -- -- -- -- -- 91
Figure 2.1: Stock Exchange in Operation -- -- -- -- 23
Figure 2.2: The Functional Relationship of the NSEC within the New Issues market ---- -- -- -- 36
Figure 2.3: The Functional Relationship of the Stock Exchange
within the Secondary Market ---- -- -- 38
LIST OF TABLES Table of 2.1: Impact of the Loss of Investors Confidence in the
Nigeria Capital Market ---- -- -- -- 32
Table 2.8.3:The Daily Stock Summary -- -- -- -- 41
Table 4.1: Identify your Sex? -- -- -- -- -- -- 60
Table 4.2: What is your Occupation? -- -- -- -- --. 61
Table 4.3: Are you Aware of the Existence of the Nigeria
Stock Exchange? -- -- -- -- -- -- 62
Table 4.4: How Familiar are you with the Operations of
the Nigerian Stock Exchange -- -- -- -- 63
Table 4.5: Are you Aware of the Aims and Functions of
the Nigeria Stock Exchange? -- -- -- -- 64
Table 4.6: If No 5 is yes, do you make use of the Exchange? --65
Table 4.7: Where do you (Corporation, Individuals and
Government) raise your Fund? -- -- -- -- 66
Table 4.8: Why Prefer the Bank as an Outlet? -- -- -- 67
Table 4.9: Has the Nigerian Stock Exchange contributed
Significantly to the Development of the Economy? -- 68
Table 4.10: Are you Satisfied with the level of Development in
the stock Exchange Market? -- -- -- -- 69
Table 4.11: Are you satisfied with the Pricing Policy? -- -- -- 73
Table 4.12:Are you Aware of the Introduction of a Computerized
System of Clearing Settlement and Delivery of Trade
Transaction, the (CSCS)? -- -- -- -- -- 74
Table 4.13: What is the Movement of Share Prices since the
Introduction of Central Security Clearing System? -- 75
Table 4.14: Are you aware of the introduction of the Automated
Trading System (ATS), through which stockbrokers
can trade from their offices and homes? -- -- 76
Table 4.15: If your answer to 17 is yes, do you think the
Automated Training System (ATS) will enhance
the operations of the Stock Exchange? -- -- -- 77
Table 4.16: How can you Assess the Impact of Information
Technology (internet services) vis-Ã -vis the
operations of the Nigeria Stock Exchange? -- -- 78