The increasing of fraud and misappropriation of public fraud and property by the public service servant posses a question as to whether auditing plays any significant role towards ensuring proper accountability in the public service. The focus of the research is to evaluate the extent Auditing helps to check or control embezzlement and misappropri... Continue Reading
The realities of today tend to lead people to very misleading conclusions about the social responsibility roles and place of the Nigerian press in the hearts and minds of ordinary citizens of this country as far as their experiences are concerned. Any democratic society must have a way ensuring adequate communication between the government and the... Continue Reading
Information technology (it) come to spread everywhere it can be likened to a huge web, connecting all area by change. We may make significant changes in our process of doing business by using machines, but it is the change in every nature of what we do, brought about by the social change induced through the machines, that is the real meaning of tec... Continue Reading
Government and private establishment prepare estimates of income and expenditure which are planned by an organization for a specific period. Consequent upon this, we aim at finding out how budgets both organized private sector and in government are prepared, used/or applied for effective decision making and for enhancement of profit maximization s... Continue Reading
Accounting can be defined as the recording summarizing analyzing and interpretation of an organization. Accounting system is a set of rules regulations and procedures which are articulated by a appropriate theoretical force into a system. Ti process data into information which are required as input in the decision making system of the organization.... Continue Reading
In this study survey, research design was employed, while investigation and historic research was used to evaluate the problems of leadership and also the best style to be employed for effective leadership. The instrument of data collection was through the use of questionnaire. Continue Reading
The researcher aim critically to find out why most of the companies are not quoted despite the objectives and decrease in the requirement, why shares of some companies quoted in the Nigerian stock exchange are not subscribed for, whether the legal procedures are adequate and still stringent and to find out whether the roles of the Nigerian stock ex... Continue Reading
The researcher intend to adopt sample survey through the administering of questionnaires to the investment firms for data collection and statistical tools of analysis. However, finance and time are of limitation in carrying out this research work, but at the end of this work, the need for financial statement analysis with be established. Continue Reading
The objectives of this project is to present a through study of the financial ratios and to throw more light on its importance in the business world. Also to show how financial ratios and statement guide the long term investor by providing them with long term earning power of the firm. Again to show how creditors to form depends on financial ratios... Continue Reading
An investigation into the impact of multinational oil companies towards the Nigeria public revenue is just a project topic carried out to ascertain the role or influence of one of these multinational oil companies (ELF) on the economic life of our country (Nigeria). Continue Reading
The objectives of this study is to investigate into records management in some selected business organization in Consolidated Breweries Plc. specifically this study aimed at: To examine the process by which records are dealt with in the different organizations. To find out the qualifications of the workers in charge of handling records Continue Reading
This project is a very crucial study for the off – shore banks to establish a way of financing in Nigeria. In carrying out this research work I intended to determine the possibility of off – shore banking operation in Nigeria. Secondly, whether there is enough multinational firms and corporation to carry out the function of off �... Continue Reading
The aim of the study is to find out the importance of using costing techniques such as standard costing, direct costing, absorption costing etc in the measurement of service oriented organizations. And also to show the extent on the less of these techniques in planning in the organization. For the purpose of this research, questionnaire and interv... Continue Reading
Capital structure is the proportion or each type of capital debt and equity used by a business organisation. Many organizations employ debt in their capital structure because of its benefits. One of the benefits is that interest on debt is tax deductible and reduces tax liability of the organizations concerned. Furthermore, failure to pay interest ... Continue Reading
Quite recently, questions have been asked by communication scholars and media experts on the appraisal / the importance of traditional tool or artifacts of communication, such as the â€�“town criers use of the gong, drums, gun tots, smoke signals songs, dances and masquerades etc. In rural mobilization, such as the case of Nenwe town. Moreover,... Continue Reading