The use of chemicals in water treatment comes with some challenges including cost and environmental concerns. This has necessitated the need for alternative means of treatment that is relatively cheap and environmentally friendly. This research was aimed at studying the possibility of combining Mangifera indica and Phoenix dactylifera seeds powder ... Continue Reading
Food and Agricultural Organization of United Nations projected that Nigeria on the average loses $9billion annually to postharvest loss and waste of food. This losses and wastages occur as a result of in-adequacy of affordable and sustainable processing and storage mechanization technology. Among the food products, fruits and vegetables were found ... Continue Reading
Crop planting is very essential to increase production by facilitating optimum plant population per area and reduce unnecessary competition among crops. It is accomplished by any of broadcasting, seed drilling, single grain sowing, band planting, cross sowing, furrow sowing or hill sowing. This can be achieved by the use of machineries such as plan... Continue Reading
Climatic parameters are exposed to variation due to the atmospheric concentration of greenhouse gases. Hence, it is essential to assess the water availability and demand under the climate variation in Goronyo Reservoir, Sokoto State Nigeria. since the supply of water is one of the significant tasks in water resources management. In this study, esti... Continue Reading
The traditional method of planting soybean in Nigeria does not result in obtaining maximum yield of the crop per unit area. This is due to either incorrect number of plants per stand, interrow spacing or intra-row spacing. This research work is embarked upon to develop a four-row tractor mounted precision soybean planter in order to address these c... Continue Reading