This research work investigated the effects of micro-financing on Micro and Small Enterprises (MSEs) in South-west Nigeria. The study examined how micro-finance and non-financial micro-financing activities and features such as group membership, pre-loan training, cross guaranteeship, loan size, technical and managerial training, among ... Continue Reading
This study investigated the determinant of commercial banks’ lending behaviour in the Nigerian context. The study aimed to test and confirm the effectiveness of the determinants of commercial banks lending behaviour and how it affects the lending behaviour of commercial banks. Continue Reading
As being experienced in many developing countries, Nigeria has been experiencing confirmed capital flight which has been a problem believed to have adversely affected domestic investment. The existence of this problem is further accentuated by the financial globalisation process which has enabled capital to flow more freely than before... Continue Reading
Deficit Financing plays an extraordinary and growing role in achieving full employment in Nigeria sustainable economic growth, price stability and poverty reduction. Theoretically, both Keynesian and neoclassical economists provided tools for government’s intervention, particularly with regard to government budget deficit financing. This stu... Continue Reading
This study sought to examine the challenges of Liquidity Management in Nigeria’s Commercial banks. The study identified some of the notorious factors responsible for most banks’ liquidity problems such as high ratio of Non-performing loans (NPL), excessive risks concentration, fluctuations in statutory Reserve requirements; Assets mis... Continue Reading
This paper is presented into five sections. Section one takes on the background information which comprises the background to the study, research problem, the objectives for the study and the operational hypotheses. Section two takes on the review of related literature, analyzed under theoretical and empirical literature. Section three is the metho... Continue Reading
The need to improve the UBA profitability cannot be over emphasized having in mind that they operate in an industry filled with completion both institution and inter-bank. The study examined the contribution of public relations towards the patronage and growth of bank. The findings revealed that the UBA public relation activities have led to the fa... Continue Reading
Occasionally, the nation is faced with economic instability, this could be as a result of less or too much money in circulation, therefore the researcher intends to write on laws these problem could be solved through the implementation of monetary and fiscal policy tools. Continue Reading