effects of converging and diverging kolb-learning styles on performance in algebra among secondary school students


This study investigated the effects of converging and diverging Kolb �“ learning styles preference on the academic performance of secondary school students in Mathematics in Zaria, Kaduna state. Three objectives, three research questions and three null hypotheses were formulated. The study was on the effect of two Kolb �“ learning styles for teac... Continue Reading


a comparative study of numeric systems of english and hausa languages

This work is a comparative study of the numeric system of two of the most widely spoken languages not only in Nigeria but Africa and the world as a whole. It is to explain the styles adopted by the speakers of both languages in expressing numeral situations. In the early days of some comparison between languages, some scholars had argued that th... Continue Reading

English and Linguistics

survey of information and communication technology infrastructure impact in secondary schools

ABSTRACT Information technology is the use of computer and other telecommunication device in processing data. It is also a systematic method of applying scientific knowledge to problem solving. This project considers the evaluation of information technology usage in secondary schools. With the use of information technology equipment in secondary... Continue Reading

Computer Science

design and implementation of software for tracking student profile

DESIGN AND IMPLEMENTATION OF SOFTWARE FOR TRACKING STUDENT PROFILE CHAPTER ONE 1.0 INTRODUCTION A system, with numerous definitions can be literally seen in a computer way as a collection of the hardware and software components of a computer. According to Stella C. Chiemeke and Franca A. Egbokdara (2006), a system is set of componen... Continue Reading

Computer Science

restoration as strategy for kano city development: ancient kano city relics and monuments

Restoration of cultural heritage is a collective responsibility between constituted authority and the general public who are the custodians of their cultural heritage. It was further discovered that there is a complete negligence on the side of government in maintaining and preserving the relics in the city. This, coupled with the encroachment of c... Continue Reading

Environmental Design

an appraisal of factors militating against the effective implementation of formal risk management techniques in project delivery


Non utilization of Formal Risk Management Techniques in project delivery by the project team has been identified as one the causes of project failure This prompts the question ‘what factors are responsible?’ This study therefore first presents Risk management in project delivery as it relates to an integrated project team as well as internal is... Continue Reading

Environmental Design

effects of beneficiation and salting agents on yield and quality of alum from kankara kaolin

Alums are very important products because of their vast array of uses. In this investigation, about 91% kaolinite fraction was recovered from Kankara kaolin after beneficiation. The silica-alumina ratio of 2:1 obtained after calcination conformed to typical literature values. The raw clay yielded 72.91% alum (in terms of % wt of alumina extracted f... Continue Reading


political corruption and its effect in the nigerian government and politics

The major purpose of this study was to examine the political corruption and its effect in the Nigerian government and politics. The study looked into political levies of Anambra state citizens being the case study of the work. For comprehensive understanding of the place and its impact of this study. The work has been divided into five chapters. In... Continue Reading

Political Science

hiv serostatus disclosure among pregnant women attending antenatal care clinic at usmanu danfodio university teaching hospital, sokoto

The disclosure of HIV serostatus has adverse sociopsychological consequences and is presently a major public health challenge in many African countries including Nigeria. With increasing uptake of HIV counseling and testing among pregnant women in Nigeria, there has been increasing concern about whether those found to be positive would report the r... Continue Reading


effect of reciprocal peer-tutoring on interest and performance in genetics among secondary school students in zaria education zone, kaduna, nigeria

A sample of one hundred and sixteen (116) SS II students was drawn using random sampling technique from a population of four thousand, one hundred and twenty five (4125) senior secondary school students in the study area. The study employed quasi-experimental design. The experimental group was taught Genetic Concept using Reciprocal Peer-Tutoring ... Continue Reading


an assessment of the implementation of universal design principles in the provision of building services in multi-storey buildings


Universal design (UD) can be described as the design of products and environments to be usable by all people to the greatest extent possible, without the need for adaptation or specialized design, thus bridging the gap between housing and disability though the concept of Universal Design or ‘Design for all’ has been neglected in most developing... Continue Reading

Environmental Design

availability and utilization of computer packages in teaching and learning of islamic studies in secondary schools


This study assessed the availability and utilization of computer packages in teaching and learning of Islamic Studies in secondary schools in Kaduna State. The research work was as a result of ineffective usage of instructional materials in teaching and learning of Islamic Studies by teachers of Islamic Studies because of their inability to interac... Continue Reading


application of gis and remote sensing technologies in guaranteeing tenure security for holder farmers in south eastern (geopolitical zone) states of nigeria-an overview

Agriculture globally is the hub of every economic activity which guarantees survival and well being of people through guaranteed food security and healthy living. No economy will be described as advanced, if the people are malnourished. Major agriculture activities in Nigeria include livestock production and usage, forest reserve, timber production... Continue Reading

Surveying and Geoinformatics

design and implementation of query and commendation system

DESIGN AND IMPLEMENTATION OF QUERY AND COMMENDATION SYSTEM CHAPTER ONE 1.0 INTRODUCTION 1.1BACKGROUND OF STUDY In an Academic environment such as universities , polytechnics and collages information sharing is very necessary and important to the s... Continue Reading

Computer Science

topographical survey

This report focused on various methods used in execution of topographical survey of the new bus park area, gidan kwano campus. The practical was carried out using the basic survey principles and methods. The major field survey operation includes reconnaissance which involves field and office reconnaissance, followed by data acquisition which involv... Continue Reading

Surveying and Geoinformatics

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