This research work is basically in the appraisal of the problems and prospects of marketing auto maintenance service work services in Enugu metropolis. The research work structure both the big auto maintenance service firm and workshops ant the small auto maintenance services workshop vita the road side mechanize.
The data needed for their study was collected from the management of these auto maintenance service workshop and the customers of these workshop consist of vehicle owners and drivers.
The objective of this research work centered on studying the activities of auto maintenance din Enugu metropolis and tried to find out if these activities are well performed. The objective is also to know where. If there is prospect for greater productivity in the service offered to his public by the auto maintenance industry.
From the analysis of the data obtain it was diagnosed that most customers in the metropolis are satisfied with the services they recovered from auto maintenance firm / workshop and also that most of them are not affected by aggressive promotional activities but rather are encourage to service workshop by testimonies from friend relation or old customers. Again, the analysis indicated that most customers preferred road side mechanics to the bigger auto maintenance
From workshop render all auto maintenance services. The researchers analysis led to find out that most of the customers who learnt of auto maintenance workshop through advertisements did so through radio advertisement.
The researcher made the following recommendation . She acknowledges the efforts of the management of auto maintenance workshop for being able to satisfy its customers within the Enugu metropolis. She recommends that auto maintenance services Institutions mix so as to build up store traffic and also concentrate their promotional efforts on good public relations sand publicity.
Also recommended the use of radio advertising for the auto maintenance pricing policy that will help the firm workshop in making profit.
Approval page iii
Dedication iv
Acknowledgement v
Abstract vi
Table of content viii
Introduction 1
1.1 Background to the study 1
1.2 Statement Of Problem 6
1.3 Objective of the Study 7
1.4 Hypothesis of Study 8
1.5 Significance of study 9
1.6 Scope of study 10
1.7 Definition of terms 10
Literature Review
2.1 Overview of services 11
2.2 The classification of science 14
2.3 Characteristics of science of science 15
2.4 The service mix 17
2.8 The problem of auto maintenance service 24
2.9 The prospect of auto maintenance service 26
2.10 The role of auto maintenance service in Anamco 30
2.11 Problem and prospect of auto
maintenance service in Anamco 31
4.1 Presentation and Analysis 38
4.2 Testing of hypothesis 48
Summary of Findings, Recommendation
and Conclusion 61
5.1 Summary of findings 61
5.2 Recommendation 63
5.3 Conclusion 64
Reference 65