This study on effective promotional strategies for the cosmetic industry with particular note on Choki Laboratory Enugu was carried out with some of the following objectives. To determine the impact of promotional strategies adopted by Choki Laboratory on increasing profitability of the company.
To determine the promotional strategy of Choki Laboratory on creating awareness of the company product. In order to achieve the above objectives, three sets of questionnaires were prepared and administered to a population comprising staff/management, distributors and customers of Chuki cosmetics Laboratory within Enugu Metropolis. For additional information extensive literature review was conducted.
The sample size for the study was determined using Topmans formular for distributors and customers, while census survey were used for relevant staff and management.
The data collected were presented on statistical table, analyzed and interpreted. Hypothesis formulated was tested using Chi-square based on analysis the following findings were made that promotional strategies have impacted on the customer disposition and patronage. That Choki Laboratory have fully designed an optimal combination of promotions to enhance their performance most importantly within their area of operations.
In view of the above findings the researcher recommend among others that, the company should only improve on it product quality, but clearly define its promotion objectives and allocate enough funds for its promotional tools like public relations, trade fairs in achieving the company promotional objectives. It is the researchers believe that if the management give due attention to those recommendations, Choki Laboratory will be one of the companies to beat in this millennium.
Title Page ii
Approval Page iii
Dedication iv
Acknowledgement v
Abstract vii
Table of Content ix
Introduction 1
1.1 Background Of The Study 1
1.2 Statement Of Problem 5
1.3 Objectives Of The Study 6
1.4 Formulation Of Hypothesis 7
1.5 Significance Of Study 8
1.6 Scope Of The Study 9
1.7 Limitation Of The Study 9
1.8 Definition Of Terms 10
Literature Review. 12
2.1 Meaning Of Marketing Promotion 12
2.2 Objectives Of Promotion 14
2.3 Importance of Promotion in Marketing. 16
2.4 Components Of Marketing Promotion 18
2.5 Achieving Promotional Synergy 26
2.6 Promotional Strategies For
The Cosmetics Industry. 28
2.7 Promotional Strategy Used
By Choki Laboratory. 29
3.0 Research Methodology 31
3.1 Sources Of Data 31
3.2 Research Instruments Used. 32
3.3 Population Of The Study 33
3.4 Determination Of Sample Size 33
3.5 Sampling Techniques 37
3.6 Method Of Questionnaire Administration
And Distribution. 38
3.7 Method of Data Analysis and Treatment. 38
4.0 Presentation, Analysis And
Interpretation of Data. 43
4.1 Presentations and Analysis of Data. 43
4.2 Test of Hypothesis. 55
5.0 Summary Of Finding, Recommendation
And Conclusion. 64
5.1 Summary of Findings 64
5.2 Recommendations. 66
5.3 Conclusion 67
Bibliography 68
Appendix 70