

Presented To

Department of Secretarial Studies


This research is an investigation into the problems encountered by secretaries in some selected business and public organizations in Owerri urban.
In pursuance of this investigation, three research objectives were used.  The researcher utilized the survey method.
The data was gathered mainly through questionnaire.  The fifty questionnaires were given to ten (10) selected business and public organizations and the number returned was forty (40) duly completed.  The data gathered were then presented, analyzed and interpreted using simple percentage.
The researcher made references to books in the library and unpublished articles, which enable some ideas to be deduced, that aided the research work.
When the data was analyzed, certain problems were identified which include sexual abuse, insecurity, inadequacy of modern machines, abuse of secretary’s role etc.
However, the effects were noticeable no matter where and for whatever reason.  Prominent among them was the low morale of the secretary who worked without motivation and incentive.  The morale of the secretary will determine the output and this can account for the growth of the organization.
Nevertheless, the researcher made some recommendations, which include; financial rewards should be complimented with other incentives.  Efforts should be made to provide good working equipment and materials for effective performance.   The management should introduce in-service or on-the-job training for workers to improve their services.  The authorities should promote their staff as and when due, and increase their salaries at the right time and also pay their legitimate claims to meet up with challenging needs.  Workers should be made to understand that the more effort they put in, the happier they would become with their job.  The heads of the various departments and their staff should try and have a cordial relationship between them, as this will not only increase the organization’s productivity but also workers will be at peace with their work.  
Finally, although the researcher encountered the usual handicap normally associated with this type of exercise, she was able to surmount them.


Title Page                                    i
Approval page                                 ii
Dedication                                    iii
Acknowledgement                                iv
Abstract                                    v
Table of Contents                                viii

Chapter One
1.0    Introduction                                1

1.1    Background of the Study                        1
1.2    Statement of the Problem                        2
1.3    Purpose of the study                        3
1.4    Significance of the study                        3   
1.5    Scope of the study                            4
1.6    Research Questions                        5
1.7    Definition of Terms                        5

Chapter Two   
2.0    Review of Related Literature                    8

2.1    The Concept of Secretary                        8
2.2    What is Business and Public Organizations            12
2.3    Categories of Secretaries                        14
2.4    Qualities of a Secretary                        14
2.5    The Role of a Secretary                        19
2.6    Duties of a Secretary                        23
2.7    Lack of Recognition of the Secretary                26
2.8    The Secretary and Job Motivation                27
2.9    The Secretary and Technological Innovations        28

Chapter Three
3.0    Research Design and Methodology                31
3.1    Design of the Study                        31
3.2    Population of the Study and Sample Size            32
3.3    Area of Study                            32
3.4    Instrument for Data Collection                    33
3.5    Validity and Reliability of Research Instrument        34
3.6    Method of Data Analysis                        34

Chapter Four
4.0    Data Presentation and Analysis                    36

Chapter Five
5.0    Summary of Findings, Recommendations and Conclusion                            57
5.1    Introduction                                57
5.2    Summary of Findings                        57
5.3    Recommendations                            59
5.4    Conclusions                                61
5.5    Limitations of the Study                        62
References                                    63
Appendix: Sample of Research Questionnaire            64

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