No matter how plural a society may be, the radio should be the engineering force and vehicle for conveying political message to the women in the democratization process in which man is the pivot, it is with this background that the objectives of this study re-channeled towards metropolis for their participation in politics.
The work examined factors such as medium, interpersonal communication, exposure objectivity and sycophancy to clear. Curtly determine the effective impact of the radio political news in mobilizing women in Enugu metropolis.
Useful theories and the literature that constitute the basic framework of the study were examined.
An empirical survey was carried out in four selected zones in Enugu metropolis. Data collected were analyzed in order to determine the effects of these factors on the efficacy of the radio political messages in mobilizing the women folk.
Empirical evidence from findings revealed that the radio political information ha been the engineering mechanism in mobilizing women in Enugu metropolis, it wakes up their political opinion and attitude, it leads them to political opinion formation and although they did not see the news being non-objective but they indicated that the government and its agencies distort the news.