Presented To
Department of
This study focused on the development of basic patterns for mass production of suits for adolescents in Benue State, Nigeria. Specifically, the study sought to identity and classify the body characteristics of adolescents, establish average body measurements of adolescents in three size categories of small, medium and large, draft basic suit blocks to fit male adolescents, construct three (3) suits for three (3) size categories, determine the appropriateness of the suits through testing for fit, ease, mobility, acceptability and aesthetics by the adolescents models and the judges, and compare the ratings of the users and the judges. Seven research questions were asked and two null hypothesis were formulated to guide the study. A preliminary survey of 740 adolescents from institutions in Benue State was conducted for classifying them into 3 categories of small, medium and large. Body measurements of 140 adolescents were taken and their average body measurements established. The research and development design was utilized for the study. Four instruments: a questionnaire, a measurement chart, assessment chart for adolescents models and assessment chart for judges were developed by the researcher were face-validated by 3 experts and were used for data collection. Reliability was ascertained through trial testing of the instruments. The questionnaire was used to answer research questions 1-3. Average body measurements were established by measuring 140 adolescents and was used to draft pattern pieces for adolescents in three size categories of small, medium and large. Three prototype garments namely shirt, jacket and trousers were constructed for the three size categories of the 3 models. Judges knowledgeable in clothing and textiles and the adolescent models rated the constructed suits using assessment criteria charts for clothing fit, wearing ease, mobility, aesthetics and acceptability. Data derived from the study were analysed using frequency and percentages to answer research question one. Means were used to answer research questions 2-6. Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) was used for testing the null hypothesis at 0.05 level of significance. Major findings from the study include the identification of body characteristics of adolescents, average body measurements of adolescents and design specifications required for the construction of suits. Three different patterns segregated according to relevant body parts were produced. The models were satisfied with the fit conditions of the prototype suits although alterations or modifications were made in a few areas. The null hypothesis which stated that there is no significant difference in the mean responses of small, medium and large categories of adolescents for acceptability of the suits was retained and the null hypothesis of no significant difference in the mean responses by adolescents and the judges on clothing fit of the suits on adolescents was also retained. It was concluded that the developed patterns and the constructed suits meets the increasing demand for corporate dressing. It was recommended that the developed patterns should be used for mass production of suits for adolescents in Benue State, Nigeria. Lecturers in higher institutions of clothing and textile could use the drafted patterns to help them teach students in a more practical method
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