ABSTRACTThe study “evaluated the provision and management of records in senior secondary schools in Yobe State.” Four specific objectives were raised among which include; to examine the provision of statutory records in senior secondary schools In Yobe State, to assess the management of statutory records in senior secondary schools in Yobe State, to examine the provision of non-statutory records in senior secondary schools in Yobe State and lastly to assess the management of non-statutory records in senior secondary schools in Yobe State. Four research questions were raised while four Null hypotheses were postulated. Related literatures were reviewed in the second chapter. Survey design was adopted for the study. The population of the study was 1239 participants which include: 29 ministry officials, 20 principals, 40 vice principals and 1150 teachers out of which 200 were selected as a sample. A simple random sampling technique was used for selecting the sample. The data collected were analyzed using frequency distribution and percentages. ANOVA was used to test the null hypotheses. The findings of the study revealed that there were significant differences in the opinions of the respondents. Major findings were revealed, these include: Highest percentage of statutory records was provided, secondly; A reasonable percentage of statutory records was managed, in the majority of secondary schools in northern part of Yobe State. Thirdly it was revealed that; a good number of non- statutory records are provided in senior secondary schools in northern part of Yobe State. Meanwhile, items like: cumulative record card, school photo album and health record book stand undecided, and lastly, Not all the non- statutory records that are managed in senior secondary schools in northern part of Yobe State. Those that were managed include the following: time book, movement book (staff), cumulative record card, disciplinary committee file, sports and games activities and facilities file, school board minute book, national policy on education booklet, lesson plan, parent teachers minute book, duty roster, school calendar, health record books, continuous assessment dossier and lastly record movement book. Items like query book and school photo album are said to be not managed. While the respondents stand on no options on items like national curricular of different subject, staff responsibility list and disciplinary committee file. Major findings of the study were discussed. Lastly; summary, conclusions, recommendations and suggestions for further studies were drawn