The research on Effectsof Affective Strategies variables on Oral English Performance of SS II Students in Niger State, Nigeria,is based on the premise that the affective domain is a less researched area of study as compared to the cognitive and psychomotor domains. Hence, the study investigated the effect of the affective strategies variables of interest, attitude, motivation and self-confidence, which may facilitate or debilitate students? Oral English Performance in the SS II class.It has been asserted that an estimate of 1.5 billion people speak English worldwide. Since English is a widely spoken language, there is the need for students in Niger State to have high Oral English proficiency.But in the language teaching practice in Nigeria and Niger State particularly, oral English has been a weak point and the target of criticism. The study was carried out based on four objectives, four research questions and four research null hypotheses. This research work is inspired by the framework of Oxford (1990; Dornyei & Noels, 2001, Nakatani, 2005, 2006, Sadighiet al., 2011, Ali & Kumar 2014). The study was limited to zone „B? in Niger State. Participants were SS II students in the selected schools. Two hundred and sixteen (216) students were randomly selected out of a population of Twenty-one thousand, four hundred and ninety-two (21,492) SS II students in the Six (6) chosen schools filled in the affective strategies questionnaire (needs analysis). The students in the three (3) experimental schools were taught in line with the selected strategies for the whole academic term, while the control group continued with their teachers. The data collected at the end of treatment was analysed using the Statistical Package for the Social Science (SPSS), IBA version 20. Statistical procedures adopted in the data analysis included frequencies, percentages, means, standard deviation and test of correlation between variables. Hypotheses were tested with one way analysis of variance (ANOVA) at 0.05 probability level of significance. The findings from the experimental data showed that, the increased use of interest enhancing affective domain strategies had positive and significant effects on the Students Oral Performance. It also showed that students who were exposed to the affective domain strategies of positive attitude towards Oral English improved in their oral expressions. Accidental finding showed that a number of shy and truant students participated actively in oral class activities.Truancy decreased greatly in school attendance, as more students attended classes and remained till the close of school. Treatment with affective domain strategies enhanced the learners self-confidence, thereby encouraging them to speak more and for longer period.